
Rebellious Republicans Derail 9/11 Reform

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Rebellious Republicans Derail 9/11 Reform


WASHINGTON (AP) - In a defeat for President Bush, rebellious House Republicans on Saturday derailed legislation to overhaul the nation's intelligence agencies along lines recommended by the Sept. 11 commission.

``It's hard to reform. It's hard to make changes,'' said Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., who sought unsuccessfully to persuade critics among the GOP rank and file to swing behind the measure.

Hastert's decision to send lawmakers home without a vote drew attacks from Democrats, and capped an unpredictable day in which prospects for enactment of the measure seemed to grow, then diminish, almost by the hour. He left open the possibility of summoning lawmakers back in session early next month.

As approved by key negotiators, the White House and the bipartisan the 9-11 commission, the compromise would create a powerful position to oversee the CIA and several other nonmilitary spy agencies. A new national counterterrorism center would coordinate the fight against foreign terrorists.

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney both contacted congressional negotiators by phone in hopes of nailing down an acceptable compromise that could clear Congress in the final hours of a postelection session.

But Reps. Duncan Hunter and Jim Sensenbrenner, chairmen of the Armed Services and Judiciary committees, raised objections. Officials said Hunter, R-Calif., expressed concerns that provisions of the bill could interfere with the military chain of command and endanger troops in the field. Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., wanted additional provisions dealing with immigration, these officials said.

``I am very disappointed that these objections have been raised at the 11th hour and temporarily derailed this bill,'' said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, the primary negotiator on the measure for Senate Republicans.

Collins said it was surprising, given Bush's recent re-election triumph, that Republicans were not willing to approve legislation that he favored and his aides lobbied for throughout the day.

Democrats were biting.

``The commander in chief in the middle of a war says he needs this bill to protect the American people,'' said Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., who led Democratic negotiators on the issue.

He said the development was ``particularly shocking after the president, the commander in chief, has been re-elected.''

``Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the White House, and the blame for this failure is theirs alone,'' added House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California.

If lawmakers fail to pass legislation this year, they will render moot three months of hearings and negotiations that started with the commission's July release of its report studying the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Lawmakers would have to start from scratch next year - if they even pick up the issue again. With a new Congress taking office in January, unapproved bills expire and new lawmakers and committee leaders would have to consider any new legislation.

Lawmakers originally thought they had a deal Saturday and the commission, a bipartisan group that sharply criticized the performance of intelligence agencies, had endorsed their work.

The deal ``contains not only major reforms of the intelligence community, but significant measures to improve aviation and border security, and emergency preparedness and response,'' the commission's leaders, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, said in a statement.

The agreement had been reached between Collins and Lieberman and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., and Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif., early Saturday.

Harman, D-Calif., said the Pentagon has worked to scuttle the bill.

``The forces in favor of the status quo are protecting their turf, whether it is in Congress or in the bureaucracy. And at a time when we are in a war we can't allow turn concerns'' to triumph, Collins said.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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This bill sucked and everyone knew it...

Two GOP committee chairmen led the effort to keep the bill from the House floor Saturday. Armed Services Chairman Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., echoed Pentagon concerns that the realignment of intelligence authority could interfere with the military chain of command and endanger troops in the field. Wisconsin Rep. James Sensenbrenner of the House Judiciary Committee demanded that the bill also deal with illegal immigration.

But the House must briefly reconvene this week to join the Senate in passing a resolution nullifying a line in the 3,000-page spending bill that gives two committee chairmen and their aides access to personal income tax returns without regard to privacy protections.

And, of course, follwing it's blockage the Dems have to spin it this way. "This is another clear example of how the legislative process under Republican leadership is broken," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California.

I think it's an example of how, even with control of both houses Congress won't pass a junk bill even if W says he wants it.
Please don't dent the planet.

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Hastert's decision to send lawmakers home without a vote drew attacks from Democrats


Democrats were biting.

``The commander in chief in the middle of a war says he needs this bill to protect the American people,'' said Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., who led Democratic negotiators on the issue.

He said the development was ``particularly shocking after the president, the commander in chief, has been re-elected.''

``Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the White House, and the blame for this failure is theirs alone,'' added House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California.

Why are the Dems bitching about this? Jeez, here I am ready to say "Good job, Congress, for having the wisdom and the anatomy to stand up to W" and the Dems are complaining that this ill-considered bill does not get past.

Here I find myself glad that some Repubs broke ranks. I'm shocked that Dems are upset about it.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Here I find myself glad that some Repubs broke ranks. I'm shocked that Dems are upset about it.

I was happy to see them break ranks as well - makes me feel a bit more hopefull for the next couple of years that everything will not be down partylines.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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