
What do you call someone who wants to destroy his own job?

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I call him brilliant. I also call him Kakha Bendukidze. In Georgia, Central Asia, the man who has been put into place to privatize and dispose of the giant soviet carcass is doing just that.

Next year-if not sooner-he will cut the rate of income tax from 20% to 12%, payroll taxes from 33% to 20%, value-added tax from 20% to 18%, and abolish 12 kinds of tax altogether. He wants to let leading foreign banks and insurers open branches freely. He wants to abolish laws on legal tender, so that investors can use whatever currency they want. He hates foreign aid-it "destroys your ability to do things for yourself," he say's- though he concedes that political realities will oblige him to accept it for at least the next three years or so.

As to where investors should put their money, "I don't know and I don't care," he says, and continues: "I have shut down the department of industrial policy. I am shutting down the national investment agency. I don't want the national innovation agency." Oh yes, and he plans to shut down the country's anti-monopoly agency too. "If somebody thinks his rights are being infringed he can go to the courts, not to the ministry." He plans, as his crowning achievement, to abolish his own ministry in 2007. "In a normal country, you don't need a ministry of the economy," he says. "And in three years we can make the backbone of a normal country."
I wish there were more like him. The path that he is trying to lead the country is free of outside handouts, with strings, and less government control over everything. I think the greatest threat to him will be the old system not wanting to lose the reins of power. He is selling off everything that a government does not absolutely need to run.

If you want to buy a dysfunctional boiler house, an international airport, a tea plantation, an oil terminal, a proctology clinic, a vineyard, a telephone company, a film studio, a lost-property office or a beekeepers' regulatory board, then call Kakha Bendukidze, Georgia's new economy minister. His privatisation drive has made him a keen seller of all the above. And for the right price he will throw in the Tbilisi State Concert Hall and the Georgian National Mint as well.
So when he is done let's see if we can get him to move here? Our government sure could use a kick in the rear like he is delivering there. I know, I know. Fat chance. But I can dream, right?

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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I said a guy who wants to destroy his own job.

Your jumping buddy either (A) works for them and doesn't want to do the outsourcing, or (B) is some sort of contractor hired to do the job, in which case he completes a project, but does not end his job's existance.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I said a guy who wants to destroy his own job.

Your jumping buddy either (A) works for them and doesn't want to do the outsourcing, or (B) is some sort of contractor hired to do the job, in which case he completes a project, but does not end his job's existance.


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So let us in on the big secret, professor. What is this guy's deal?

He was a previously unemployed plant manager who was hired specifically to do the outsourcing, shut down the US facility and start up the Mexican operation. He's not a contractor and he's quite happy to be working, albeit temporarily.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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...hired specifically to do the outsourcing, shut down the US facility and start up the Mexican operation.

So he was hired specifically to accomplish the above, and once it is accomplished, his employment with this company will end. That would be the job description of a contractor. He may not have been a contractor, but he is doing contract work.


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...hired specifically to do the outsourcing, shut down the US facility and start up the Mexican operation.

So he was hired specifically to accomplish the above, and once it is accomplished, his employment with this company will end. That would be the job description of a contractor. He may not have been a contractor, but he is doing contract work.


Well, if you wish to put it that way, so is everyone at my place because we all have contracts of employment. So do most employees.

But then the distinction becomes meaningless.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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In the context of this discussion the distinction is that the person you mention is not actively seeking to eliminate a position that would otherwise be secure.

The question of the post is essentially "who would recognize that their current position is unnecessary and seek to eliminate it and his or her own employment?". From your description it would seem that the person you have mentioned would prefer to keep his job, as opposed to it being eliminated.

Anyway, hopefully he'll find a more secure position. So wish him luck on our behalf.


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Kallend, I know you're samrt enough to see the distinction.

Your guy was hired to do a very specific set of tasks, and then go on his merry way. Is that not exactly what a contractor does?

This thread was about a man intent on removing his own position from existance, at his own whim. He is doing it because it is right, not because that is what he's getting paid to do.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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