
OK,, Ya think that was Stupid!!

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OK,, some of ya get pissed when someone accuses ya of doin sumthin stupid,,, I have no problem with that,, no one likes ta be thought of that way,, so I thought I would tell ya'll ONE THING I've done in that category,, just ta make ya feel better,,, back when I was just outta high school,, 4th Of july,, was workin at the Ski area North a Tucson called Mt. Lemmon,, was riding the chair lift back up to the top after a break,, my little bro and a friend were workin the top while I was gone,, and after seein me they got "silly",, swingin chairs off the top,, riding them around the bull wheel, bla bla bla,, so I stand up on the chair I'm riding and start it swinging,, then I climb up on the chair,, and next thing I know I'm above the chair on the cable,, goin hand over hand down ta the next chair behind me,, 60 ft in the air hanging,, actin like a friggin monkey,, well shit,, guess what,, I was half way to the chair behind me when I hear my bud and lil bro start hollering,, a lift tower was coming up,, the brake over tower,, the cable went over the top of wheels and shit,, I looked over my shoulder and knew I was in deep doo doo,, I was 60 ft up,, hangin from a cable on a chair lift,, and lookin at gettin some fingers smashed,, then a long fall ta rocks and concrete,, So I had this bright Idea, make my fingers and forearms strong as steel,, then they could go through the shit and I'd be OK,, ya laugh,, but I was thinkin positive!! When I ran into that tower nothin happened,, well almost nuthin,, my arms locked up and the cable kept goin,, hurt like hell,, chewed my hands up big time,, I was worried about the next chair,, if it came through I knew I would go through the shivs and I'd get fingers chopped,, took 3 hard pulls ta get my hand outta the mess it was snagged in,, then I monkeyed my way to the halo around the tower without lookin at my hand,, climbed down off the tower and saw my hand was all fucked up,, almost passed out,, hee hee, but my Boss was driving up the mountain ta pick us up so we wouldn't have ta ride the chair lift down,, and he was a close friend of my family,,,, we had ta come up with a story that would make sense as to why my hand was all a mess,, Anyway here's my point,, we all do stupid shit,, if your lucky ya live through it, and if ya aren't a Darwin candidate ya learn from it,,, OK,, now what have ya'll done that ya know was just plain stupid,, I'm curious,,, Like I said,, that's just "one" thing,,, geez I could go on and on,,, good thing I haven't been jumping that long!!!
: )

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well just today i..... no actually i once ran a golf cart into my moms car. smashed the whole front door up. i left it, she went to work in the morning and didn't see it and when she got off work she saw it and thought it was a hit and run. man, i was lucky on that one! i won't even get into what happened at our highschool senior classs party!

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<< i won't even get into what happened at our highschool senior classs party!>>
NO NO NO,,, thats what I wanna hear!!! Thought this bunch would have some silly stories ta share,, must be shy folks?? OK I posted that after a few beers in a weak moment,, lol,, thats the only time I tell this story!! Now smashin into your Mom's car with a golf cart,, tsk tsk tsk,, I know ya can do better than that,,,, My parents still don't know the real story on my hand,, we told everyone I got it tangled up in some high speed machinery checkin hydraulic fluid levels in the engine room,, My Boss took me down the hill ta the lodge,, then dumped some hydrogen peroxide on it,, now that shit hurt!! Almost passed out again,, we took a six pack a beer for purely medicinal purposes,, and drove the 40 miles off the mountain to the hospital,, In the Fall they wanted to do corrective surgery and remove all the scar tissue,, couldn't hold on to a football, but could hold on ta a ski pole and needed ta work all Winter,, so told'em ta wait till Spring,, then they did a "Z plasty", I have the mark of Zorro in my palm ta remind me how lucky I was that day,, and there's more ta this story,, but I have ta open a couple windows and light another stink stick,, damn dog!! Geeze do I need ta jump or what!!
Blues and Sweet dreams!!

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well, yey,
we all do stupid things but when we look back on them they can be amusing! that is what i think this is trying to be done by this thread......okay for another thing i did....i was doing a h n'p from 5,000 when i did a front loop to a sit my hat i was wearing flew off. i had forgot to strap it befroe jumping. on the ride down i was hoping it hadn't drifted into the path of a car on the german autobahn. i jump over a section with no speed limit and all i could think of was someboddy hitting my hat at 150mph! needless to say i never found my hat and no accident were spawned from it but it was a stupid thing. i even had to go ask the supply people at my base for a new hat....gota love the military! those fuzzy hats they give us look like the russian snow hats and are they ever warm.

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