
HELP!!! I can't stop!

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I have come to the realization I am totally and hopelessly addicted to skydiving. I have been sitting around all morning figuring out what kind of freefly suit I want and watching videos of skydiving. I am wearing a skydiving T-Shirt and posting on Dropzone.com. I am trying to figure out what I need to take to the DZ when I move up there to be a packer for the summer after school lets out. Isn't it great to be a skydiver. Woohoooo. Sorry, I just had to share my enthusiasm.
Blue Skies,

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well, I work on the 22nd floor of a building, so I have a perfect view of the weather. I also spend a few mins a day picking out potential landing areas.... ;)
My computer's wallpaper is made up of skydiving photos, and I have about 100 movies on my drive here at work (Ain't T-1s great?!) Oh, and let's not forget the doodles of airplanes and parachutes on the white board in my office.
I wonder if they'll let me build a shelf in my office like I did at home to hang the rig and gear from....

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Hehe... I used to work on the 34th floor in downtown SF. EVERY Day I'd think how if I could just pick that lock, I could easily pull it off and land on the Punch Line's garage!!!
FlyBoy, What do you need help with? I don't see ANY problem whatsoever

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I don't really need help with anything. I love skydiving and never want to stop jumping ever. The title was supposed to be sarcastic. I know everyone here pretty much spends all of their time thinking about skydiving. I hope everyone has warm, blue skies this weekend and a lot of jumps are made.
Blue Skies,

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Yove all heard about tits how men think about sex every arse 6 seconds, well im thinking skydivers are close to nipple thinking about skydiving on the same time delay.
Man sometimes i cant sleep norks at night coz skydiving is just constantly on my sausage mind.:P

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Well, I knew that I loved skydiving and had a hell of a lot of fun doing it. I just didn't realize I was totally addicted until I was sitting here posting and everything around me was skydiving related. I can't wait for the next jump. I just ordered a new freefly suit that should be in sometime next week.
Blue Skies,

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