
i miss froggie!

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i'm lost here everyone. what can i do to help my froggie craving? can anyone help? i think i'm loosing my mind.....nope....i just found it.........that was scary for a second.......it gets lonely here when everyone else is out jumping....me i'm stuck on base for this 4 day weekend they gave us trying to save some cash for a new reserve......aaaahhhhhhhhh.....help........aaaahahahahahahahaahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Poor wingnut, if it helps at all I know EXACTLY how you feel - desperate, lonely, aching - you're addicted, obsessed , you know that don't you?? No cure, hopeless, helpless. How do I know???? I am missing someone too, and I hate it. I'll bet they are having a real ball without us too. Can't say who, so I posted anonymously - gee, how brave am I??? Never mind, we will survive, we have too, life must go on - BASE jumping may not be the answer..... So hang in there, they've only been gone 4 days (sob, cry, weep) and they will have to return eventually. Meanwhile - have you tried s........ na, forget it, just hang in there.

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i'll survive! and maybe base jumping isn't the answer but there sure are alot of nice tall bridges here....now if i only had the traing.....my reserve does need a repack though...and yup they'll be back soon enough.......if i could only be out jumping i wouldn't miss em at all......

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and maybe base jumping isn't the answer but there sure are alot of nice tall bridges here....now if i only had the traing.....my reserve does need a repack though...

Training? You wuss.. How hard could it be? Jump, arch, reach, pull, throw, pray for a good opening.. I plan on doing BASE at Bridge day next year, and hopefully make a trip to Malaysia when they allow BASE jumping off the KL Tower..

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