
wingnut, you there?

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hey ive been having trouble with the computer at A.L.S. i replied to you a bunch of times i think two of them went thru. just wanna lethca know i got your message. if you didnt get mine lemme know we'll tlak here.
stay high( but within ucmj codes. ha ha )

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hey, I just got my rig yesterday(saturday) it is awesome. i'll be usiong it next sunday.WHOOOOOhooooo!! im almost done with a.l.s. the week after i grtaduate im taking off and living at the dz. i plan on doing at least 50 jumps....
hotmail isstill acting up ill try again later

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where did you say you were stationed at? was it eglin or tyndal? glad to hear a.l.s. is going good, i have a friend here going through it now as well. he's oly in his second week though.
i'm glad you got your rig! so tell us what it is!!!!!!!!!!! is it brand new, second hand...etc.....
i'm in the process of building my second rig right now.all i need is a reserve, risers,and pilot chute! not too much left to get. and since i'm going to be getting a tempo 170 res. it's going to be pretty cheep too! i found out i get to go to hurlburt field for my cross-training. it should be pretty fun durring jan-april for me. i get to do pc every other day and it should be a blast!!!! when i graduate i'll get a black beret!!!!!!!!!.....only problem is that, then i get stationed at an army base and have to work with em.!!!! :-( oh well it shouldbe fun anyways! let me know if youhave any info onthe sourounding area of hurlburt/eglin area. take it easy.

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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