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Something to ask the DZs about would be their jump totals for last year (tandem, AFF, experienced jumpers) because that way you can gauge how much there is to do, and what areas they concentrate on. Also, ask them what teams and instructors are based there (or just check out their websites). The DZ with stronger teams and more experienced instructors would be great, since you'll probably pick up a lot of knowledge just from talking and fun jumping with people.
Blues, squares,

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Being a Florida girl, I'll chime in on this one. Florida!! Not only do we have some great DZ's here, (Deland, Pahokee, and Sebastian to name a few), but you can jump here year-round. I've spent many Christmas holiday's in shorts. The only real weather problems we have are afternoon thunderstorms that blow in and out pretty quickly. The worst part of living in Florida is getting stuck behind all the old people driving sooooo slowly! (Sorry, Grandma!) :)

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Im sure that florida is totally kick ass but i gotta go w/ jersey on this one (naturally!). Listen, jersey isnt a big state. And if you move out here you got lots o luxuries. The jersey shore, the pine barrons, Philadelphia, NYC just 2 hours away and.... (drum roll please!).... Cross Keys! were flying the Frankenotter now, we've got the stearman up, weve got a cesna too, A balloon is sitting in the hanger, waiting to be launched on a beautiful day! Plus, weve got Monkey Claw here! the flying Gelardis (Georgie and Michael), We just got new bathrooms built in addition to the old ones. A tiki bar, A bonfire regulary, some kick ass Skydivers. An amazing packer (the person, not her skills :)/ tadem briefing room employee (me :) , Were busy as hell all summer long. Last season we put up about 240 students on saturdays. Plus fun jumpers like crazy. Our DZO's are cool as hell. We've got Skydive U run by Molly here too! Square 3! A delicious eatery right on the dz. a 6,500 foot hanger. A really amazing staff~the best of the best! oh man, i havent even touched on all that we have to offer! come to jersey! come to Xkeys!

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Well, I don't live in Florida. But I'll say this much. I moved down to Atlanta form Michigan 6 years ago and I'll never move back up North again. Florida is about the only place I'd consider if I left Atlanta. Mostly because of the weather, job market, and of course all the DZ's.

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