Riser Gods Hate Me and my Bonehead

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they did send me two new-style velcro pouches free of charge.

ugh. unless we're talking about something different, I really don't like those velcro pouches (although they are a little better than the ones that relied on elastic to keep it in there)
The velcro one works great as long as you don't take your audi in and out a lot, the pouch gets too fuzzy (for lack of a better word) and the velcro doesn't work so well. I REALLY like the pouch that has the clip (a clip like the one on the chip strap) over it. So much, that when I took off my chin strap (to replace with a chin cup) I attached the clip around my velcro pouch - I'm not sure if that made any sense... here's a picture (not a good one, but you can kinda see the velcro still there over the width of the pouch and the clip over top of that onve the length. Works pretty good!

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Wow, that's like the second Bonehead that got cracked on an AFP'r by bitch-slapping risers at SDC in like 2 weeks (and here I just bought one myself)!! (Opps, just looked at the date of your post - you were the original person that happened to.) The recommendation to me was to look over your left shoulder during deployment to avoid the ditter getting ripped off.
So if you grad'ng, you buyin' beer? I think it's trend that should be started, buy a two-four after AFP 18 - drinking it is optional (leave that to us experts *heh*). :)

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bottom line______
sabre smacker's suck. :) (can't go wrong with icarus)
boneheads are great, but you gotta be particular about how you use them. i have had no issues with my mindwarp with pro-track AND pc-5 in dbox sidemount, primarily i believe becuase on every opening, as i throw my BOC pilot chute, i look to the right over my shoulder and lean my head forward slighty, upon feeling line-stretch, i grab my risers behind my head to be sure they clear everything around my ears as i bring my head back to a normal position, before i go to stow my slider. haven't lost anything or even felt the risers hit my head yet. it's all good. ps, if you get a sidemount camera, get used to doing this or something, just leaving your head looking straight down will get something snagged, especially with narrower shoulder harness (my jav), although my old sweethog never got in the way.
one other thing i've noticed on bonehead's elastic protrack mount, it comes with styrofoam. i use the styrofoam with my protrack in there to keep the fit of the pocket tight, and since i still had a hard time hearing my protrack, i put the protrack uner the styrofoam (cut in 2 pieces for top and bottom) in the pocket. i can still reach my buttons without taking it out, and i can hear it.
i'm surprised it cracked. make sure you have bumpers.
BTW WHO REPLACES protracks from losing them on a jump??? I did lose one and my pro-tek helmet in May of 2000...

and boneheads will survive impact with a hanger, a girl lost hers on a jump at our dz, didn't have it clipped, and it landed on the hanger (metal roof). not even a scratch i think. she's still jumping it. nice spot though.
oh, and one last comment, i'm sure lots of people on ehere know the freefly chic you're talking about, it's not hard to figure out. just so, you know.

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