
Okay, I'M GOING!

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Delays, delays, and more delays. But my deposit is paid, my name is on paper, and I’m redoing the FJC on Sept. 8, rain or shine (and it goddamn better be SHINE!) After all the whining I’ve done here, and after kicking my self in the ass for two years for the most dumbassed thing I’ve ever done in my life (chickening out of lev. 4), I’m starting over. I can’t even tell you how unbearable the wait is. Christ, it’ll probable be the middle of winter before I get my A, if that, but better late then never, right? I’ve done over a hundred MPH on a snowmobile several times and my aggressive driving caused me to be soaked in sweat despite it being well below freezing, so skydiving in the cold can’t be too much different I figure. Maybe I’m thinking a little too far ahead, but since I’ve already wasted most of the summer by doing nothing other than saving my hard earned pennies, I think I freakin’ deserve a little excitement for once. Man, it’s still over 3 weeks away. The days are SOOOOOOO long. And, of course, everybody I know still thinks I’m completely nuts. With that, I’d just like to tell every single one of those people – FUCK YOU!!!!
Skydiver to be - Josh
"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" - Helen Keller

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"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" - Helen Keller
Dude...I think it is probably bad luck to quote a blind person when posting on a skydiving web site. Blind people shouldn't skydive! It scares the shit out of the dog!
"I used to know a girl...She had two pirced nipples and a black tattoo"-Everclear

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Sorta like Christmas!!

Last Christmas I got a VCR. It caused great emotional distress from watching my skydiving videos over and over again and wishing I was doing that! Bah freakin humbug!!!
(j/k, thanks!)
"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" - Helen Keller

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