
Great time calculator!

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Ever sit there needing to total up your freefall time, and just pull your hair out trying to do it in your head? I did till I found a GREAT tool. Its designed to calculate time sheets, but when you set it for hh:mm:ss (it defaults to only hh:mm) you can key in those repetetive 73 second skydives and it tallies them in a heartbeat. I was able to update about 100 jumps worth of FF total time in about 10 mins. Would have taken me ALOT longer if I tried to do it in my head. Hey, i'm a skydiver, not an accountant.
Yeah, I know the pro trac and electronic logs do it all for you automagically, but not all of us have gotten away from paper logs. This is a great tool that I recommend... Hell, I even registered my copy. its only 3/4 of a jump :). ($15)

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