
Save your sport...

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Okay, if this goes on much longer we're going to lose quite a few skydiving related businesses. What can we do to keep our sport alive while we're grounded??
Take that money you should be spending on jumps and....
1) Contact your local DZ. Suggest/offer to organize packing classes, water training, safety briefings, etc... anything to get jumpers together at the dz and provide a bit of income for the dz, instructors and riggers.
2) Buy something. Contact your favorite gear dealer and buy a tshirt, logbook, pair of goggles, helmet, video, order a jumpsuit, whatever.
3) Now's the time to have that minor repair done on your canopy/container/jumpsuit. Rig due for a repack soon? Instead of waiting to see when we'll be back in the air, take it to your favorite rigger now - then you'll be ready when the grounding is lifted.
4) Are you a pilot? Go to your local FBO and buy something. Local FBO's support skydiving by providing fuel and aircraft maintainence services.
5) Write your congressman/senator/president.
pull and flare,
Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious

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I cross posted this one because I want everyone to see it.... I agree with skybytch too!! Let's support our DZ's and Keep the Sport Alive!!
I think it's time to email our congressmen and women and let them know what they/FAA and everyone else involved is doing to the small business owners of DZ's the employees and the economy. We as skydivers pump about $200 to $300 a month each into the local economies. Now multiply that by the USPA members. I have found a site where if you do not know how to contact your Rep or don't know who it is it can tell you...
I for one believe it is time we stood up for ourselves and let our voice be known as one. Our friends who own and work at the DZ's we love to jump at our losing their ass and some will probably never recover. Just look at what this grounding did to the Airline industry. Airlines are cutting flights laying of tens of thousands of people. We can not let this ruin our country and the freedom we take for granted. This is basicly my opinion but that's what makes this country great. Yes it's going to make another piece of paper someone in the Congressmans office will have to look at. If it even gets to your reps hands. I beleive if enough are sent they will look and see. Remember when you were a whuffo, did you even realise how many people loved our sport? Probably not, because I know I didn't.... Now I know too well.... People let's make them know we are a large intelligent voting block in this country...
I believe the only reason the FAA has security risks attatched to the GA VFR is because some of the terrorists went to small flight schools and had access to small VFR planes.
Enough of my .02$
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