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This is a scrap-book that we can share with Chris's family and each other. If you have any memories that you would like to share about Chris, stories, jokes, any thoughts please feel free to write. Anything at all. The first time you met him. A jump you did with him. A beer drinking story. etc....
A reminder, the memorial is March 9th.
fly free

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Chris... many memories of him, all of them good. I remember most clearly the coach jumps he did with Georgie Gelardi this summer. I can see perfectly back 6+ months ago the two of them coming in from the landing area then sitting down in the middle of the hangar, right near my locker. I'd constantly walk past them, occasionally join in as a quiet observer. I just remember chris watching his videos of the coach jumps... He would smile so brightly, his bald head glistening with a bit of sweat cause it was hot then.. but no matter how hot, how hard a skydive, how much adrenalin was pumping he was always so relaxed looking, always smiling.
I remember DeLand.. it was New Years Eve day and Lauren Demmi and i left zhills and drove to Deland to see Lana, another xkeys friend. We ment up with Lana and walked to the packing area. Right inside, on the right stood Chris, bent over his gear, closing his container. I ran up and he pulled me up (like he always did), squeezed me real tight, sorta swung me around a little and gave me a huge hug.. It was so nice to see a Xkeys friend when so far away from home.. It always seems like it works that way.. you meet all these great people on different DZ's, but the ones you tend to gravitate towards are friends from home...
My last and best memory of Chris is from his last week or so at xkeys.. I was running out to leave when I changed my mind. I went back inside and found a few friends and said goodbye to them.. Chris was the last person I saw, since he almost always packed near the entry to the tarmac, in front of manifest.. He did that thing where he picked me up, pulled me close and held me tight.. Squeezing me until i couldnt stop giggling and begging to let me breath :) So glad I have that memory...
Audra, I've got some stuff I've written too.. I'd like you to see it before anyone else.. get your opinion.
to Chris' family: You guys are so dear to me now. I'm blessed to have ment you and to have had my heart, soul and life touched by all of you and the amazing love and understanding you guys display. Thankyou for allowing me into your hearts. I cant explain how much it means to me.. You guys are amazing...

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and here is one from ealy in teh summer, i believe maybe even the season opener. He and Mollie, when he was doing Skydive U coaching. I also believe this was his first weekend at the tiki bar, a rite in itself. He just looks so happy....
I also remember the first tiem I met Chris while I was workign in manifest, asked him if he was new, etc. I remember telling him he was so tall, I had bet he was glad we had an otter door, I couldn't imagine him getting out of a king air!!! =c)

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Chris was and always will be a great guy, he is one of the few great guys I know. I remember the day I was graduating AFF witch was a big day for me, as was for everyone so you all understand. He jumped with me, well not at the same time but on my load. I was so happy and he was cheering me on. He is on my video to so watch it and remember him in every way. How he is always happy and cheerful and very supportive, and just someone fun to hang out with. I can't really describe how I feel, I am not to good at doing this, but I am trying my best. The night I heard about Chris I had to go to work, it probably was the hardest night of work that I ever had, then I had to work the two days of his funeral and I couldn't get off work. I was really hurt that I couldn't be there with all my friends, be there for them and to say goodbye to a dear friend. But when I found out that he died, I knew no one up here knew yet so I had to hold it together and I don't know how I did it and make a few phone calls and let everyone know. At that moment i knew Chris was with me I don't think I could have done that without him.
We will all miss Chris very much, we will have are different memories, and we will share them and hold them close to our hearts forever. And remember every time you jump you will always be jumping with Chris. He will be there with you for you next RW jump or the next time you are going head down just think Chris will be going head down right next to you. He will always be with us down at the DZ for our little parties we have and in the air. Chris we will never forget you or what you did to touch each and everyone you ever meets lives. Who ever knew Chris you know what I mean he gave us all something to remember him by, how he was always so happy and cheerful no matter what. So just remember the next time you are having a bad day, a bad jump, or anything bad just put a smile on your face cause Chris always did.
I will never forget you Chris, BLUES SKIES FOR ALWAYS!!

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Ok, now that I've stopped running around, I'm going to try to knock some of these stories out for yunz guys (yeah, Pittsburgh rocks!!!). Speaking of which, the first time I met Witt, I was roaming around the hangar (like I always do) looking for people to talk to. Then I see this super big tall guy by the tv wearing a Pirates hat. I figured he was from Pittsburgh because no one in their right mind would wear a Pirate's hat. I went up and we started talking and found out that we grew up about 20 minutes and 4 years away from each other. Then the stories about high school baseball and Primanti's started flowing. He would take time out to jump with me whenever he stopped sweet-talking all the girls. After that, it was Chris and me on every load together (or that's the way it looks in my log book).
...2 way freefly with Chris. Tried to dock and kicked him in the eye.
We had alot of great video moments from the dz, back in Pittsburgh at my sister's house, Florida, and Puerto Rico. I cannot believe I actually let that guy talk me into going base jumping later this year!!! And I felt it was my newfound duty to keep up with him while drinking. He held it better than I, but I put up a good race. Chris, buddy, I'm gonna miss all the road trips in your Beemer and I still can't get that damn Gorillaz song out of my head after you played it almost the entire 15 hour drive to Florida this Christmas. You were a good friend and left alot of sad, broken hearted ladies behind. Cookie is going to be crushed when she finds out what happened. But she'll probably dedicate a page to you in that blue fuzzy log book she has.
More stories of Chris "I love to have a good time" Wittgartner to come...

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Story #2 -- Pittsburgh Road Trip
It was getting late in the year with unseasonably warm weather. So what better way to spend my "not so hard-earned" money than jumping. Chris would always be out there because he had the kind of job that paid extremely well even though he sometimes worked 4 hours a week. And he never hesitated to brag about that fact!! Anyway, we're sitting in the hangar and he talked me into going to Puerto Rico in February (not that it took much work). Then we started talking about plans for Christmas. It turned out that we were both going back to Pittsburgh for Christmas. Then the discussion turned to how cold it is in Pittsburgh this time of year. And I let out the "I have a good friend that lives on the DZ at Z-hills. Let's road trip!" He was all for it. He decided to drive because there was no way that guy would fit in my Integra for a 10+ hour trip. So off we went. I was kind of short on cash and was doing things the college way (as cheap as possible). He helped tons. "Don't worry about gas and tolls. My company will pay for it." He didn't have to tell me twice. So we get to Pittsburgh after a long and boring drive on the turnpike and spent the holidays with our families. Christmas Day, my good friend Kathy and I always go to try and kill our livers at my sister's house and play with my neices and nephew. I invited Chris to come over and we'd start the Florida road trip the next morning. So he comes over and brings the video camera and all his tapes (did he ever go anywhere without that thing???) and thought it would be cool to show my mom his base jumping video. Yeah, I'd bet my paycheck that you guys have seen it too:) My mom thought he was a nice kid, but he was nuts. Once the older adults left, the beer began to flow. Chris and I both put down a case of Yuengling that night. In the meantime, my nephew (9 years old) was hanging out with us and was trying to show off for his babysitter by trying to wrestle Chris. OK, picture this, a 6 ft 4 in guy wrestling with a 4ft 5 in 9 year old. Well, true to form, Chris put little Anthony down. The poor kid was all embarrassed and started crying. So Chris just opened another beer and said sorry as Anthony ran out the room. Yeah, nice guy. So 4 am rolls around and we still didn't sleep yet. I told him to take a nap while I drove Kathy home and that I'd be back in a half hour. As soon as I came back we hopped in the BMW and headed south. Chris was still all messed up and I had a good buzz going. We made it about 60 miles before we needed nappies. Most of the trip was uneventful until we got to Charlotte. We get a call from Fruce. "Hey guys, don't go to Z-hills. Go to Sebastian." It took all of 3 seconds to say "OK" and our plans changed. Needless to say, my friend was pissed because she thought we died on the way down because we never showed up. So I blamed that one on young Wittgartner.
Keep in mind that throughout this whole trip, he only had 7 cds to listen to. And most of them sucked. But it was amazing that 2 guys could talk so much and never repeat a story. Note to self...don't talk so much. Some of the things he told me had me laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. Conversations ranged everywhere from high school baseball accomplishments, to college baseball coaches, to military weapons, etc... oh, I can't leave out BASE jumping. It made the trip go very fast.
The next story will be about Sebastian. Don't worry, they get better.

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One of my fondest memories of Chris is sitting around the packing mat with him and mel swapping food recipies. His conversation was always a pleasure. He was an attentive listener and gave good advice generously. I will miss hearing stories of his exciting life which would always inspire me. He had so much enthusiasm about everything, and I cannot remember his face without a great big smile on it!
To Chris's family-I wish I could have met you guys to tell you what a wonderful, fun, kind, caring, generous, etc...person you have raised! He will really be missed! I hope you know that you are always welcome to come and hang out with us at the DZ. Just as long as you dont let a little bizarre behavior scare you..hehehe..Chris is part of our family too and i know he will always be around partying with us and looking over us.
Chris-see ya when I see ya buddy! Oh, and you still have to take me mountain climbing! Dont think I forgot!
Love, Lana. = )

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