
Jumpsuit fabric! Where to purchase?

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I've ordered some online already but all the stuff I keep getting doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. So many variations of fabric that I just don't know exactly what's needed.

Trying to make a fast falling freefly suit/pants/shorts with spandex parts for flexibility. The only fabric paragear has that I'm interested in is the mesh inner-liner. I'll try seattle fabrics.

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I've ordered some online already but all the stuff I keep getting doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. So many variations of fabric that I just don't know exactly what's needed.

Trying to make a fast falling freefly suit/pants/shorts with spandex parts for flexibility. The only fabric paragear has that I'm interested in is the mesh inner-liner. I'll try seattle fabrics.

Tony did my suit custom for me, but due to some color shortages I ended up providing my own material. According to the production team they said it was good stuff.

I got my water resistant/proof nylon supplex (supplex is just a brand name weave of nylon, not a different fiber altogether) from.....
They will send samples.

I got my spandex (for back and sleeves) from...
I ordered the "milliskin" matte variety which is supposed to be tougher for "athletic" purposes.
They will also ship samples.

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Of course they don't have "white" supplex in the selection box...lol Seems good for other colors, though.

And that spandex world seems pretty steep on shipping cost...
I'm gonna try and look around for some more affordable options before I have to lay down $50 for one yard of spandex that I need :|

Thanks for the info!

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