
Flying an open canopy off a building

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But assuming you just landed the chute and are trying to kite it yourself, what are the chances then? I'm thinking there are lots of mal possibilities in this situation.
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i think some guy tried this years back at couch freaks off the water tower. maybe if he would have had a few more beers prior to the event it would have worked better, or maybe he would have fallen off the ladder just a few steps up.
those bridge pics rock.
woof woof, billo

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>But assuming you just landed the chute and are trying to kite it yourself, what
>are the chances then?
Pretty low - like I said, I think you would go from running, the canopy kited behind/above you, to jumping with the canopy still behind you. Then you'd swing back under the canopy and hit the building before the canopy got back up to flying speed. If there were funky winds around the building, they would be much more likely to mess you up than help you launch it, I think.
-bill von

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Hey Gale
This is an old thread, but just saw it. Skydive canopies can be flown off roof-tops quite easily, nothing fancy like swinging backwards into the building etc. I do not know about the modern canopies, but have used a cruiselite many times off a building. Slight wind is first prize, pull up, walk toward edge, use a bit of front riser to pitch the wing slightly foward, and off you go. No-wind can be a problem, U need a run up, get the canopy above your head, and use a big punch of front riser to get it over the edge ahead of you, before following it off. Try to keep as much line tension as possible./ NOTE this can go pear-shaped very quickly, I had a fortunate escape off a building in a no-wind launch, this post is not an instructional guide for you to use, just my own experience. If you want advice, start paragliding and do it properly !

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