
Proof of God part 2, sell me your soul.

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Interesting point. I can only guess that my assumption comes from feeling/desire/hope or fear. IF we have an immortal soul, I would hope it was for a reason and that reason being that there is an afterlife of some sort. Now if the afterlife were run by the same human souls, then the afterlife would not be much better/different than life. We would still be human by nature just not in a mortal body??? Bill Clinton might still be in charge of something?
So I guess my assumption is that a God, who I again assume made us and gave us this soul would be running the afterlife.
I would like to think that we are held accountable for our lives. The thought of really good people living lives of suffering and simply dying is morbid. The thought of rotten bastards like Hitler not paying the dues for their shit just ain't right.
If this is reality I want no part of it. I mean if there is no God, if you have no immortal soul and we simply live and die...why not do whatever you want: Rape, kill, rob, plunder and steal to your hearts content....you have nothing to worry about.
Human justice is not sufficient justice or reward. Is life imprisonment really good enough for what a rapist has caused? Is lethal injection good enough for what John Wayne Gacy caused? No and that doesn't even take into account criminals that are never caught.
There are people in the world who live decent lives everyday, help people for no other reason than they wanted to. These same people get shot, bombs dropped on them, get bit by snakes.....whatever. Is this right?
So maybe I have an overdeveloped sense of fairness and that is responsible for my desire to want a God calling the shots.
My personal preference on the afterlife would be that God is like a big party host, greats you at Heaven's door and inside is one wicked bash where you get hang with all the rest of dead people. Unlimited free jumps, free beer, no shitty music and spreading the love.
I can deal with reincarnation, so long as when I come back I still know all the cool stuff I learned this time around.
Despite titling this thread "Proof of God" I will readily admit there is none and none to disprove. It is a matter of faith. But the thought of there not being something really bothers me.
I can only fall back on what I know. I was incapable of quiting drinking/drugging. I asked for help and got it. Since that time, despite my considerable ego, I have not been able to take credit for so much that has happened to me, nor give credit to other humans for so much else in this world. So I choose to believe in a concept of a higher power, who for lack of better terminology I call God.
Could I be wrong...yes I could. I am operating under any misconceptions..probably. Am I making assumptions based on insufficient information....oh yeah. But I got nothing better to go on. Arguements were placed before me for which I had no answers, which forced me to concede that the odds were in favor of a God. At least that was how I digested it.
In many ways I envy people who have firm conviction in ANY belief....religous or atheist. At least in their mind there is no question and they can run their lives by that belief.
Knowing the truth would be really cool. As soon as someone has the answer let me know. Until then I go by what I got.


"Call me Darth Balls"

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Thanks for the vote, but I never intended this to be a win/lose ordeal. It was meant to to provoke thought, hear opinions other than my own, learn somethings, make people look into their own heart and maybe help someone else.
My search goes on regardless. For now I am still a confused soul, believing in SOMETHING, that I do not understand, but feels good. Kinda like women.;)

This will be the last post I make on this thread. But if anyone else comes up with something good I'd love to hear it.

How about those Bears?


"Call me Darth Balls"

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Well said Jeff, I suppose that's the best any of us can hope to live by. I agree that we should live our lives with conviction, that it's important to believe in something, regardless. Maybe it's that belief alone which gives us help when we need it, who knows.
I admire your conviction and what it has brought you. I too shall leave this thread, since I think that at least between you and I, we've said our peace, which in reality (ha) maybe isn't that different after all.

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