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I'm looking for some balloons. (No not boobies, so you can get your minds out of my gutter)

Seriously though. Anyone know of any balloon operators in S.W.Ontario, Canada who will fly skydivers? I tried some of the local balloon operators but they are all CRAP and won't do it. Bah!

The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.

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Most balloonist are uninformed about jumping and once they get educated think about it a bit more. Its a lot of stress on a balloon with the rapid temp changes, the sudden acceleration after jumpers leave etc... but if you tell them how much money they can make in 2 up and down trips... most will think about it again. Expect to pay $75US a jump and the ones I've talked to here require 2 complete loads and would prefer 3 hops. Figure 3-4 people per hop and you need at least 6 people paying full price to do it.

Another option is to come to WFFC next year... 5 balloons taking off 2 times a day ;)

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On the subject, are there any baloons operating on a regular basis at Eloy. There's a link to a baloon company's website from skydiveaz.com, but I couldn't get too much info from the site. If they are there, what's it cost?
I got nuthin

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