
17 Hours.

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17 hours in Istanbul on a transit to South Africa.

So what is the most trouble you ever found yourself in in a foreign city? So far I would have to say Dallas tops my list. Will keep you posted as things develop.

Having to pay to get into "trouble" does not count :P.


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i have to say getting stuck in amsterdam for 2 days with no hotel room.

i was visiting a friend in brussles, and had a flight from amsterdam to athens.
just my luck, there were 3 huge conventions and not even a single hotel room in all of holland...

i've put my things in a locker and played homeless B|
anyway, first night was spent drunk in a club,
the following morning sleeping on a bench in the central train station...
then i've met some nice (drug dealing) friends behind Dams sq. because a policeman (on bicycle) told me i cant stay on my bench to sleep :(

second night i just roamed the streets until it was time to catch my flight...
could have ended better if AlItalia hadn't sent my suitcase to Rome instead of athens B|

amsterdam is a great city, awesome people, and comfortable benches ;)


"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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as far as sleepin in the streets goes i highly recomend

shibuya ku, busslin burb of tokyo, great benches

chicago- sleep in construction sites, the crack heads don't go there so you'll wake up alive and with your shoes

Eugene Oregon, worried about my shoes so I climbed a big mamba jama tree, slept in a big limb 30 ft off the sidewalk, woke up climbed down and felt the best i ever have

Cougar hot springs - get naked and chill in hot springs till you cant fuckin take it, sleep on the rocks and wake up to hot naked chicks walkin down the path..

dont sleep in new york benchs, i'm not even that stupid

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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While backpacking across Spain I had to spend a night in Bilbao because the automated luggage storage at the train station decided to take a siesta and confiscated our bags until morning. Luckily I was with three friends, so we took turns standing watch and sleeping in cardboard boxes, talking to the local loonies (we met Jesus Christ that night. really:ph34r:)etc. Ironically, this happened at the beginning of our journey, so we were all loaded with cash, but none of us wanted to take the easy way out and go to a hotel. 4 weeks later and 2000km from home with just enough money for food left, I was quite grateful for this decision...

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don't forget you also have coffee cafes to spend a few hours in - good way to get stoned and time'll pass quickly! And it's LEGAL!

been there, done that :D
but i had a 9 am flight, so i couldnt party too much :(
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Got stuck in Croatia with no place to stay, about 10 US dollars and a long past expired Visa credit card. Luckly I was able to sweet talk the chick at the counter of this shitty hotel into using the expired card. Other than that no trouble in foriegn countries.


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Got stranded once in Los Angeles for THREE DAYS on the way to New Zealand. United has ONE flight a day from LA to Auckland and weather made us miss our connecting flight the first day. They had to get the rest of us out over the next three days, and they refused to get us on another airline. United sucks. Also, the Australians were making the biggest ruckus over it, so they put them on the first flights the next day. The poor lame Americans and Kiwis were shuffled to the last loads. I hate LA. I hate United.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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