
Another Guitar question

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That's a good idea, I have to learn how to do that first...I've been playing for just under a month, I can play cords and *some* picking stuff, although I'm (according to my roommates) picking it up very fast and doing very well, I'm still a LONG way off from where I want to be.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Here's the latest version, this is MUCH better then the original. Rgopher did some revisions for me and sent them to me, I took some of the stuff he did and reworked it to better fit what I'm trying to say and my strumming pattern. Tell me what you think!


“I Will Remember”

Written By: David C. Lund
Key Change (3rd verse)-Am-Em-D-A

I will remember
Forever that fateful night
Awoken by the never dreamed
To a nightmarish sight
Our spirits have fallen, our hearts cry out
Aggies rise up, Rise Up we shout!
A call for help is now, we’re sounding out loud
Bonfire has fallen, brothers and sisters need our help
All hands are needed, they’re needed right now

Angels on the Bonfire
Dear God, take them home
Let the War Hymn ring out
When they approach your Holy Throne

The sirens have loudly sounded
Fire trucks have all come out
And logs are being lifted off,
We’re pulling friends out
So gather ‘round boys, take a bite
Our pots are on, tears streaming down
Lift this log and let’s move it out
We can’t stop the fight!
Our task is long, we’re racing time
This we know, without a doubt
Forever long this day runs on
We can’t stop tonight!


In silent prayer we all sing out
Amazing Grace in united voice
Standing together in the crowd
Tears are all that’s found
Arms around each other now
We hug and say we’re do’n alright
With candles lit, we silently walk
Back to the site
As Taps rings out, the tears streaming down
Mourning the 12 we lost that ‘morn


I will remember
The night the Aggies Cried

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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That's really good. Sometimes for songs like these, a dissonant sound adds a "haunting" element. Being a jazz player, I'm sure you'll understand. Minor 9th cords with the 2nd and 3rd intervals played in a linear fashion work well. Enough theory, try this for the Am as an example:
Low E - don't play - you'll play the E on the first string.
A string - open
D string - 2nd finger on E
G string - 4th finger on B
B string - 1st finger on C
E string - open

Technically it's not a complete cord because the G is missing, but the ear will fill in.

You can easily apply the concept to the other cords as you see fit.

Hope you like the idea.


If it sounds good, it IS good

- Duke Ellington

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