
My Return (Long, but maybe worth it.)

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Hello Jumpin' Peeps -

First, my lengthy and embarrassing disclaimer: It has been almost a year since I made my first 6 SL jumps (4 PRCP's). When I made my last jump on November 18, I had been cleared for my H&P. Subsequently, winter, money, and a broken-down Grand Am kept me from continuing my progression - until this past saturday.

I have kept myself out of these sacred forums for the past few months, because I didn't really feel I had the "right" to be here unless I was actively jumping. I humbly return to share my latest experience on jump number 7. . . . . .

It should be noted that the evening prior to this jump, I played a very big outdoor concert, with me and my bandmates soaked with sweat afterward. Then I went and had a few (3) beers with my wife. This information will show its importance directly:

When I arrived at the DZ on saturday, I paid for my recurrency training (I have sat through the FJC 3 times since last November) and my instructor, Gary, took me through all the basics and the test, as well as some hanging harness exit and EP training. All of this went very well. After my logbook was updated, I gave him my jump ticket, and we started gearing up for a regular SL jump from 3200'. I inspected the rig with another instructor, checking everything out like a good student should. Then he couldn't get the AAD to calibrate. Twice. Gary comes over and gets it to work, so apparantly everything is ok.

Cut to the plane - we're loading in, I'm leaning over the strut, getting my pre-flight gear check, and my mouth goes instantly dry. I know I'm going to puke. I bug out, and head back to the main hangar, feeling sick and embarrassed, and PISSED OFF AT MYSELF.

I was told everything is ok, and I have nothing to be ashamed about. Who cares? I was scared out of my mind over the AAD, a new pilot (He rocks!), and the obviously unnatural act I was trying to perform. Then I remembered the concert, and the beers, and how I was sweating so much during my recurrency training - I was dehydrated. Duh. Again, Duh.

A quart and a half of H20 later, and I'm feeling a lot better. I'm ready to go now. Really ready to go. Here's the good stuff: I'm relaxed on the way up, I'm not freaked out by the door as much, and my climbout was quick and decisive. Gary yells, "Look up!" My exit was clean, my arch was great, and for the first time, I actually felt the wind catch my arch. Deployment goes smoothly, as does my controlability check. This was a jump filled with firsts:

-First time being fully aware of the plane as I fell away - so surreal.
-First time gaining awareness of the forward surge after the initial practice flare at 2800'. (Read: Let the toggles up slowly and smoothly!)
-Although I had a radio, the DZO said almost nothing except "You're not scaring me - go ahead."
-Entered my right-hand landing pattern at almost exactly 1000', turned for my base leg at 500', and on final at 250'. My first solo pattern!!!
-I hear on the radio "Feet & knees together, 3, 2, 1, flare, flare, flare, stand up."
-Yes, yes, yes, yes!! My first stand-up landing, less than 25 meters from the peas!! (Yes, I know it's too early for that TLO, but hell, I loved it!)

So I'll be going back to do my last PRCP and my Clear&Pull on Sept. 8th because everyone is headed for Couchfreaks this weekend. But now I have a new confidence. And I learned a whole bunch of valuable lessons, the LEAST of which is to keep myself hydrated. Oh, and current!!

Thanks to everyone at MRVS - Tom D., Gary, Crash, Dorinda, and everyone at the DZ who helped calm me down and get through the best jump I've had yet.


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I was getting ready to drop you a message and see if you were thinking of getting back into it.

Again congrats.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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Good stuff!!
Save the drinking for the bonfire

Thanks! I hear ya - but I had just played for 4000 people, and I love having cocktails with my wife.

Now, if I could just get her to come jump with me . . . . .;)

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