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My father has diabetes (type 2?), and it was pretty bad for a long time, to the point that the doctors told him he had x amount of years to live. Then, he saw something on tv (or heard it on the radio) about new research they were doing on the disease and went to one of the hospitals for testing - they found that it wasn't that his body wasn't producing the insulin, but that his cells weren't accepting it. Now, all he does is take a pill and his lifetime is indefinit. He still has to excersise regularly and eat right, but he's doing great. So I highly recommend checking out the new research going on and seeing a doctor(s) that special in it, it could make all the difference.

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Wow...thanks for all the input, ppl...I never expected such results. I was at my wits end from worry all weekend long (no info from the doc's unless I asked specific questions, which I knew nothing about). After reading all the replies, I feel like I should storm the VA hospital and scream at 'em for a while. Seriously, altho I didn't see the other thread on diabetes, I'm sure glad sebazz pointed it out. I'm relaxed a little bit now. And thanks Michelle, for the links you posted and the kind words from everyone. I'm gonna go read them now. Ya'll have a great day.


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At least you are concerned enough to want to learn all that you can learn about Diabetes. Good for you. I don't even think the Doctors used the scare tactic with my sister, because she is still very naive about the whole thing. Kind of sad, and the rest of us have stopped trying to give suggestions because she just gets defensive about it:(. She doesn't go out of her way to learn more. I am going to go to some of these sites, so I can learn more and maybe, just maybe she might listen to me....sometime.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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The scare tactic they used was REALLY scarey...they told me that if I didn't change the way I was living/eating/exercising that within 12-24 months, I would have glaucoma, kidneys would start to fail and shortly after, would be hospitalized till death...now that scared the hell out of me. I'm beginning to believe that even it all that were the truth, it was meant to make me sit up and take notice. Believe me, it did...and the worst part was, he told me my little pecker would stop working...now THAT captured my attention DAMN fast. I'm not suggesting that you tell you sister that, but I know it got MY attention.
Again, thanks for the input...I really needed it after sitting here by myself all weekend wondering/worrying about it.


The funny side is - now I want a chocolate milkshake so bad, I could die...lol.

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I'm shocked to hear that they scared you like that, it's just not right. I was 16 years old when I was diagnosed and after being sick and really tired and skinny and weak and about to collapse into a coma....they prepared my parents for the diagnosis of leukemia and when one of 'em finally got the bright idea to test my blood sugar, it was a HUGE relief to discover it was Diabetes. My doctor was wonderful and said I'm gonna make some adjustments in my life, learn how to give myself some shots and I'll outlive all my friends because i HAVE to be healthy. No scare tactic there. And it worked. I;m on a pump and I do everything and more than most people I know.

Everyone gets dealt their own hand to play...it's how you choose to play it that counts;)

Hi Sebazzzzz..........

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Lol...you're just saying that to tease me...but I love you anyway...lol.

Not teasing. Just trying to cheer you up and make you see people still care about you.

Learning that you have diabetes is a big shock to you right now. I'm impressed that you want to get information and that you plan on following recommendations about your new diet. I've seen first hand what happens to diabetic people that don't take care of themselves, it's not pretty. Having knowledge and being in control of yourself is what makes it possible to continue leading your normal happy life. And since you can't drink alcohol anymore, i'll be happy to drink for you!! :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Hi sweetie,

Recommendations?? lol. I've always been sort of a maverick. Can't follow directions without modifying them to suit me and defying anyone to call me on it, but in this case -- Information/knowledge = POWER.

And you are welcome to my share of the beer (I never drank anyway, lol).


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me too (16 and 4 months to be exact...)

no one tried to scare me either, but i do see the point of it for some people.

there are MANY people that would change nothing unless their doctors REALLY scare them with what might happen if they don't
look at all of the heavy smokers and grease eaters that keep living in the same way after a 2nd heart attack.

for some its stupid, for some its the only way...

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Geez, I guess they used the scare tactic on you! You should have posted earlier so that you didn't have to spend the whole weekend worried about it:)
Michele---those were great websites you posted. I've been to a few of them and will get to the rest later.

Now, how do I.... or.... do I try... to share these with my sis?


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Hey thanks for the discussions everyone. I am newly diagnosed Type I and on the insulin for about 2 ½ months now. It all started last year when I had a tib-fib fracture at Rantoul (WFFC). I’m told the trauma of the accident, surgeries, 4 months of sitting sedentary, and genetic predisposition equals diabetes.

Hey nobody ever promised me good health so I’m cool with my new life style taking care of my disease but I was very leery about jumping again. I pretty much came to the conclusion I’d be OK if I take all of the precautions I could think of but I was still a bit unsure. As a diabetic wuffo I’ve had a few low sugar episodes and realized this would be less than cool to have one of these at any point while at the DZ.

All I needed was a little reassurance which I got from reading the posts here. I’m heading to the DZ this weekend to jump for the first time since the accident and using insulin. I’m ready. Thanks and who ever starts the Skydiving Diabetics Club let me know because I’m in!


"Hey listen dude, if you're into playin' it close that's cool, but we're talkin' major malfunction here!"
Truman Sparks

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Sorry forgot this part! FFF if you want any help on how to deal with getting diabetes let me know. I went through the gamut of emotions and denial and then came to the conclusion I needed to take care of it or over my lifetime I would loose out on a bunch of stuff including jumping because of deteriorating health. It would be like taking every August and September off from jumping! Crazy right!!

Everyone so far has given you a bunch of good info and links to read but if you need someone to chat at about the transition and the frustration that you are no doubt feeling let me know. Sooner or later you WILL get this under control and you WILL start asking question that your doctor may not know the answers to.

Knowledge = Power and Power = CONTROL!!

Good luck!

"Hey listen dude, if you're into playin' it close that's cool, but we're talkin' major malfunction here!"
Truman Sparks

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...who ever starts the Skydiving Diabetics Club let me know because I’m in!

Why don't you start it?

And, congrats on deciding to get back in the air. Enjoy!
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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That's what started all this...a low sugar count at my old high school reunion. I almost couldn't function and they tell me that I drank almost a quart of orange juice and I didn't even know it...somebody recognised what was happening and made me drink a whole quart.
I appreciate your post and if you get serious about that "club", let me know...I could use all the info I can get from everyone...


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