
down size questions

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Hey everyone, first time posting. I am a new jumper and I have a few questions. I have 30 jumps so far and I just passed my A lic. check dive last week. I will take the test next week. I recently bought a rig and I am wondering on how long i should wait to jump it. It is a Javelin with a 170 saber. Fits like a glove.

I am currently jumping the rental, which is a 259 EQ. I have been practicing my canopy skill and I have gotten decent with my landings. So far my landings have all been standing and within 75m when I first started , to within 10-15m pretty consistently. My current body weight is 179lbs and my exit weight with the 259 is right around 215 (a WL of 0.8 right?), and my exit weight with my new rig will be 205. (a WL of 1.2)

I have read in the SIM that 1.2 is the maximum wing load exit weight for A-B lic. this is right where I will be if I start with this new rig. I don't want to jump right into the new rig. I was thinking that I would take a month or so to get there. (I usually jump 2-3 times a week) I plan on down sizing slowly and I dont really want to do anything crazy under canopy. In fact I am pretty happy with nothing extreme under 2000 and basic landing pattern. What would be a safe margin of time to get down to a 170? Thanks for the help y'all

And by the way the Cypress needs its four year and it also needs a reserve repack. So no rush on my part!

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Downsize gradually. A 230 next, then a 210, then a 190, then the 170 would be a good progression. At each stage get coaching, or at least someone to watch you land and give you feedback. Make sure you can do all the basic stuff (flat turns, flare turns, crosswind landings etc) at each level.

>What would be a safe margin of time to get down to a 170?

That depends on how often you jump, whether you get coaching, how much native skill you have etc etc, Could take two months or four years.

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Basic rule of thumb

<100 jumps= 1.0 or lighter

100-200 jumps = up to 1.1

200-300 jumps = up to 1.2

IMHO, it's a bit soon for you to jump the 170 Sabre. Get some canopy coaching if you do. Learn to fly and land in brakes. Practice you accuracy like your life depends on it, because it will some day.

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