
Favourite cocktails

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Hi all
Favourite cocktails
Ok so its Friday night and cocktails are due.
Two of my favourites.
B52. Tia Maria/baileys/absinthe try to get decent absinthe
The one I got is 70%.
In a straight three shot glass one shot Tia Maria, one shot Baileys poured slowly so it floats On top of the Tia Maria, one shot absinthe poured so it floats on the baileys.
Light the absinthe and dunk a straw to the bottom of the glass.
Slurp it down in one.:S

Orgasmo. Frangelico /baileys/fresh cream.
Take a wide rimmed cocktail glass and chill;
dip the rim in fresh cream.
And then into grated Belgian chocolate.

And then into a cocktail shaker.
Large shot of baileys
Large shot Frangelico
Large shot fresh cream
Give it a good shake and pour into the glass just up to the rim.
Sprinkle on more grated chocolate And enjoy.:)

courtesy of the French bar Alvor

Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.
Michael Pritchard.

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I'm not gay or owt, but my fave cocktail has to be WOW - Vodka, Archers and Cranberry juice. Tastes luverly and gets you hammered without noticing.

A favourite when bought in pitchers to go between a group of friends!

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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SuperMex Sunset

Shot of:
Pinapple Juice
Orange Juice

goes down smooth and knocks ya off your a$$

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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