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Anyone see the coming attractions for T3 this summer? Anyone notice how much hotter the bad robot is in this movie than in the last one? Ya know...even though she is evil and made to kill...I think death by hottie would bring a certain amount of pleasure to ones demise...

Made me want to see the movie at least.


I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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I am still not convinced that she can be a credible terminator yet. I will have to see the movie to be sure.

Not to start anything but it is far easirt to accept a emotionless, remorseless male killing machine than his female counterpart. The actor that plays her has a tough job.

S.E.X. party #2

..It is far worse to live with fear, than to die confronting it.

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good for you. I was just looking for a picture of her.

Now I can spend my time photoshopping her clothes off instead.



I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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Personally, I think this movie probably shouldn't have been made, or if it was going to be made, it should have been made 8 years ago, while Arnold still was young enough to have a bigger body.

He was the sport's (bodybuilding) greatest, but he's not able to keep that form anymore. Ever see "Herculese in New York"? That was back in the day, when he was fucking HUGE, he's a total freak in that movie.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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That was back in the day, when he was fucking HUGE, he's a total freak in that movie.

True, but don't forget CONAN, THE BARBARIAN, he was good there also.

Regarding the NEW T3 movie, dude, is a Terminator with boobs, hey...I don't see anything wrong?? :P
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The previews look ok, but that doesn't mean anything. I thought T2 was a great movie; great way to end the Terminator story, so I thought. I hope this movie doesn't just screw it all up. By that I mean T1 and T2 were great, then they finish up the story with a crappy movie like T3. That would really suck.

But I'm hoping for the best.

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