
Deepseed - THANK YOU after the plane crash!

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I just wanted to put out a massive THANK YOU to Deepseed for looking after me and hooking me up with another suit in such a short time!

It was under three weeks ago that unfortunately we had a plane crash at our DZ and also unfortunate that the paramedics cut my RW suit off that I'd only had since earlier in the year (and loved!). Luckily we all survived the crash and a few days after I emailed Sally at Deepseed about a replacement suit. She had all my measurements and details of the previous order and was kind enough to put through a rush two week order through for me.

Sure enough today it arrived and is spot on, really nice suit again! Thank you so much Sally and Liam! We’ve been training for our first 4 way comp which starts in two weeks so I’m stoked to be able to get back in the air and in the comp with the suit. Much appreciated.

Here is the previous suit in action, highly recommended!

Now I just need to get my flying skills up to the standard of the suit ;)

P.S. Their deluxe weight belt really is nice and deluxe. Thanks Deepseed!

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It’s always awesome to hear about great customer service. Typically, people only take the time to write when they’re pissed about something. Glad you’re ok and good to see unsolicited praise for a company that obviously cares!
The brave may not live forever, but the timid never live at all.

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