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Was supposed to go skydiving today, but for some reason there was no one at the club, despite the clandar clearly being update recently and clearly saying 'wooh'.

Anyway, got home, tired, disappointed.

Fell asleep in the sofa. Then dreamed I jumped with a bunch of people I never have known - big group exit outta a Herc. They kept forming formation and my wee bit of body kept falling faster than them, bumping each and every group despite my best efforts.

This is just an example. I get these weird dreams after skydiving about skydiving almost 100% of the time. Now also when I was supposed to have gone.

Is this a common thing? Am sure the unconscious parts of my brain are using megaphones to get some sort of message across, but am I the only one - surely not? And can I LOG the freefall time? If I ever work out the mathematics of Dream-Time, that is.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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If I had to write down my weird dreams, I could do about 500 pages in a week :)
It wouldn't work out financially though. You just don't sell that much when you gotta have an XXX stamp on yer material.

Wait a minute. It's the other way around. CrazyIvan, mayhap you have found a way for me to finance my skydiving activites :).

This book will rock with the 'LSD and Sex' crowd.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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sounds like your subconciously worried about screwing up.........accept it for what it is, worries/nerves...etc

Before most races I used to have a dream about looping over backwards off the triple jump motocrossing...never happend, but it was something I was worried about

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Dont Worry about thhe dreams, we've all had them. I had one that scared me so much i went to the DZ the next morning to talk with my instructor about what happened, it scared the s**t out of me. Its only anxiety and fear of failing. SO get back up in that plane !!!

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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