
Should I press charges?

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Sorry you are getting out of teaching. I know how you feel though. It is often a burn out profession and your first years are the toughest. There's also a big difference between schools. Working with troubled kids (such as an inner city school, reservation school etc.), in a situation where you have to maintain discipline, is almost impossible. My daughter wanted to be a teacher, and I've done my best to talk her out of it. She's got her sights set on becoming a school counselor now. It's a much easier job than teaching. I do know some people who have retired from the teaching profession and still really liked their job, but usually they were working with younger kids in a fairly normal school. Why stay in a situation where you are being pressured to death and you hate it. The smartest thing I did was to quit teaching and became a school counselor. Now I can be Mr. Nice Guy, and maintaining discipline and control is a small part of what I do each day......Steve1

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Hi Steve: I don't blame you one bit for doing that. However, I would hate having to do your job. Spending all day trying to tell kids to do good so they can get a good job.. blah blah blah, while they watch the most uneducated people in the world get rich and famous on TV. No thanks. I hate thankless, deadend jobs.

I wish I would have went to school to do something else. The Education System is NOT something I would recommend to anyone.

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Hey there,
Like everyone said, I'm sure you did make a difference in her. Even the slightest. You can't be hard on yourself. Like me I went into this profession thinking I can save the world (a little naive), and learned quickly that sometimes you just don't get all the time to do it.
Just the fact that you treated her like a person and approached her and not through her back into the system says something. Though you might never hear it from her, I'm sure that meant something to her. Sometimes kids problems are more then we can ever imagine. It's scary to think some of these kids have seen more at the age f 10 then I ever will in my lifetime.
You did a good job and deserve a pat on the back. It takes a bigger person to deal with the situation then pass it on to someone else! Keep smiling, there will be many more of her types to follow!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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Hi Steve: I don't blame you one bit for doing that. However, I would hate having to do your job. Spending all day trying to tell kids to do good so they can get a good job.. blah blah blah, while they watch the most uneducated people in the world get rich and famous on TV. No thanks. I hate thankless, deadend jobs.


I don't see it that way at all. Most of my day is spent working with troubled Native American kids who don't have anyone in their life who even give a rip about them. I can't take them all home, but at least I am a good listener. I don't spend our sessions together telling them what to do, but I do try to guide them in the right direction because many of them don't have this at home. It's not a job for everyone, but I go home each night knowing I am helping some of these kids, and that is what keeps me coming back.

I was raised by a drunk myself, and I'll tell you it can be a lonely awful feeling growing up in that type of home. Having someone who cares, to talk to, can go along way toward helping anyone through a tough time in their life. I never visited with a counselor when I was young, but I did listen to my teachers who were there trying to guide me in the right direction. I feel it helped me greatly. So I look up to educators, and I respect the job they do each day......Steve1

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