Need fundraising advice

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Okay, here's the deal, I'm foolish enough to be entered in the London Marathon, but since I'm running for Oxfam, I have to raise £1500 as my part of the deal.

I've been really busy these last few months, and it's likely to remain that way, so if anyone has any ideas for raising funds which don't require vast amounts of time expended, I would be really grateful. It's not that I'm lazy, actually it's really hard just to fit the training in.

Thanks in advance for all your help.

P.S. If anyone in the UK (or abroad) knows, owns, or works for a company that would sponsor me in return for some advertising space on my running vest or shorts, please PM me with some contact details. If anyone wants to just PayPal me with some funds, any amount is appreciated too, and I'll give out contact details in a PM.

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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So your gonna give them 1500 quid and they'll let you run 26 miles........thats very good of them:P

You could do a sponsored skydive or raffle a case of beer. A friend of mine who went to antarctica raised a couple of hundred that way....and guess who won the beer;)

Good luck with it.

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Don't forget the .2, 26.2 miles. I'm only doing the charity thing because I didn't get a place through the ballot, and it costs them a lot of money to get these places, hence a large amount promised to cover their costs.

Raffling a case of beer at the DZ is a good idea though, or I could do what a mate did for his 100th or 200th, a blindfold static line jump...

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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Talk to the DZO at your DZ and see if they will donate a Tandem. Then, raffle off those tickets.

There are some great fundraising idea at JFTC Website that some of the women used to raise money for that event.

Most sponsors what something in return for the money they give you. You'll have to come up with some kind of creative idea, just wearing a logo on a shirt or shorts isn't going to do it. Now, maybe running in a monkey suit will get you some press attention, hence the sponsors get attention.
Good luck.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Can't run in a fancy suit, as i have to wear Oxfam colour primarily, since they're supposed to be the main focus for anyone looking at me. A friend did manage to get a couple of hundred quid out of a certain well-known chocolate company over here, jus because she wrote to them and asked. They were sorry they could "only" donate £100.

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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Get your face ALL OVER the local newspapers, write to big companies, get you face all over the local newspapers!!!

I'm off for a trek across the desert in Feb for charity, I mostly did the above and I got more than the 2K aint even had to use the sponsor forms yet.
Takes no effort at all, writin letters:)

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