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Ok, guess there's no hottub:( I'd probably forget to bring my suit anyways:P Looking forward to doing our initial helicopter jump together. Friday or Saturday works for me!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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I don't have that video...maybe you can bring it and show it to us at Gold Coast.

Clicky at the bottom of my post! ;)


I will also need to be coached by you, Clay. I don't want to flail.

I'll bring my "How not to flail in zero airspeed" lesson plan! ;)


but I am probably leaving mine at home.

YOU!!! Over there...yes you....no party pooping aloud in here!!! :D


Clay you seem to remember things a little differently than I.

Hey the Government bends the truth all the time to achieve an end. :D


I did, however, agree to join you, Clay, on the heli-jump. That will be awesome!

Of course it will......I'll be there! B|

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Ok, guess there's no hottub:(

I have no idea if there's a hottub. Bring whatever you'd like to wear! I, personally, would be too shy, but it sounds like a BLAST!

Yeah, any day is fine for me too. It will be so much fun...:)

Girl, you have nothing to be shy about......I probably have the biggiest hips this side of Texas:P
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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I probably have the biggiest hips this side of Texas

Sweety....if your pics in the pub are representative....There ain't a damn thing wrong with those! ;)

Not sure what pictures you're talking about but I'll take that as a compliment:$:$ THANX!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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got 2 work, you know pay tha bills.:(

Sorry Charlie, that sucks. I'm sure tons of video will be shot and you'll get to see all that you missed.

Geez, I'm having way too many typos todayB|
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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My MAC will not play your clicky, Clay. :( Can you bring a copy to Mardi Gras that I could see?

My computer didn't open any of the other people's videos either, so I had Eloy videos sent from a few DZ.commers. I loved Jake's the best because he spent a whole day jumping on all my loads and besides his cumulative Eloy video, he also sent me a second special video just for me. (He ROCKS!)

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got 2 work, you know pay tha bills.:(

Sorry Charlie, that sucks. I'm sure tons of video will be shot and you'll get to see all that you missed.

Geez, I'm having way too many typos todayB|

oh well at least i have 22-27.
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My MAC will not play your clicky, Clay.

Cursed MAC users!!! I'm sure Kreg can play it for you on his lap top. I really need a DVD burner. Dammitt...there goes MORE money!!! :D


OMG! Was that necessary???

Woops....yeah now you'll need a stick to keep the guys away from you. :D

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i have 22-27.

That's cool! You will be there longer than me. I am taking a red-eye with 2 connections, and I should be in Gulfport by midday on the 26th. The only problem is that I will look and feel like a total hag after not getting any sleep all night. LOL! I hope that I can take a nap and jump at least once or twice late Thursday afternoon, depending on how I feel. :)

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Cursed MAC users!!! I'm sure Kreg can play it for you on his lap top. I really need a DVD burner.

have it on the lap top will put it on my other computer(dvd burner in it) so were cool...B|
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Did you know your hand is as big as your face? Come here Clay.....a little closer (Clay sticks his hand up in front of his face) closer......closer (Casie hits Clay's hand to his face & turns & runs away):D:D
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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