
Anyone a teacher in Arizona

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Hi Ray, I am a teacher in Michigan, not Arizona, however.............

When I first got into teaching, I thought about moving to Arizona, Florida, and several others in the south/southwest. I decided against teaching in Arizona for several reasons. Some of the reasons I'll list, but they are not in any particular order.
I looked up wages, and it took 20 or 25 years to get to top pay, and when you finally got to that top pay, it was about the same pay as what I had started at here.
I also had read that the school systems were underfunded. This may or may not have changed since I was checking out Arizona.
There were several other reasons that I decided not to make the move to Arizona. Now, my parents did move to Arizona for the winters. I am glad they did. It takes me five minutes to drive from their place, to Eloy.
Yeah, the winters kinda suck up here in the northern areas (although, it was 52 today here). I'm not sure if the summers in sunny Arizona are that great either!!! 130 degrees is very very hot! Now if your planning on going up north during the summers, Arizona weather might be just what your looking for!!
Just my opinion, hope it helps!!!

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130 deg is very uncommon, and that is also the whole reason for the 'seista' lifestyle..you chill out and relaz when its that hot and play in the night a few hours more after it cools...

I love AZ! cant wait to return..the grey skies in WA are starting to get to me and i've got no reason to stay...
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YOu very well could be correct!!!:P

When i go out there in December and February, I feel so much better as soon as I arrive. Its sunny (usually) and in the 50's or 60's (which I think is nice and warm compared to here). These cloudy skies month after month do grow on you!! And being a teacher, if its too hot for me in the summer, I'll drive north until it gets cooler!B|

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YOu very well could be correct!!!:P

When i go out there in December and February, I feel so much better as soon as I arrive. Its sunny (usually) and in the 50's or 60's (which I think is nice and warm compared to here). These cloudy skies month after month do grow on you!! And being a teacher, if its too hot for me in the summer, I'll drive north until it gets cooler!B|

That is what I am screamin. I'm just wondering how easy it would be to start teachin outside the state in which I got my teachers degree? About pay, OldNewbie, what do teachers get these days (approximate). How well does it do you to get higher degrees such as masters or higher?

Happy Trails

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