
What really goes on in a 10 year olds mind?

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Ok so here's the deal. On my way home from Canada, I stopped by my moms place to pick up all my old stuff from way back when I lived with her. All my school stuff and whatnot. I found some of my old journals...most of it is pretty boring to an outsider, "Today we went to music, it was fun. Then we had recess, I played tetherball, it was fun..." blah blah blah...
But smack in the middle of one of the journals were these entries. These are the day before, and the day I turned 10 years old. I'm still looking through all this crap for some interesting stuff, there's a coupel hundred pounds of crap to sort through :S
But yeah, I had to post this. When I read it, I felt a lot of things. Pride, embarrasment, stupidity, astonishment...list goes on. I figured someone out there would get a kick out of it. I'm gonna get razzed about saying "no"...., and applauded for it also. This is not the kind of mindset I imagine 10 year olds to have...wow. If I find anymore interesting entries I'll go ahead and post them ;)

Josh's Love Journal

Tuesday Dec 6, 1994

Dear Journal,
I know it's been a long time since I've written to you, I'm sorry. Last year was great, I had the best teacher ever! This year I'm in love land! First I loved Kati rene McMenamin now it is Joy Rowe, I bought her a necklace and earings for her, but Dominic broke the pin on an earing so now I have to buy her a new pair but anyway, Joy gave me a piece of paper of questions like do you love me and do you want to kiss me, all those kinds of questions I said "yes" on, but the one before the last said, "Do you want to take your clothes off and have sex with me" and I said, "no" and she asked me why and I said "because I'm not old enough" and she said "if you were would you" and I said "maybe" and she said "the answer has to be yes or no" so I picked yes!
About a month ago a boy named Larry had a monkey on his desk so, since paul and I don't like larry, we almost cut it's arm off but it was really Joys so I'm going to buy her a new one.

Wednsday Dec 7, 1994
I'm back! Today was great, Joy talked to me, she played with me and even was my buddy in the computer lab, I know I'm being a little over exited but yesterday and the day before that she wouldn't talk to me, play with me or anything with me, because of the moneky. But today was much better, because I've let another persons anger off my shoulders, in library yesterday Joy gave me a love like smile and it made me feel so weird, it felt like I was underessed in front of her, right down to bare skin. I asked her if she likes the necklace I gave her and she said "yes" and is going to show it to her mom!

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Thats awesome


But I see a lot of who i was. Its funny as hell. Its very embarrasing as well as funny. Post some more man, they are hilarious.

Makes me remember some of the crushes Ive had!:D

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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but the one before the last said, "Do you want to take your clothes off and have sex with me" reply]

OMG, I have a 9 year old daughter, please tell me they don't start talking about this at that age... I think I am going to puke!!!

Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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I found a little pamphlet, it says things like "I feel Proud Because" or "The best thing about 2nd grade is" and you just fill in the blank. One of the entries is:

I used to think, but now I believe:

I used to believe I could fly if I wished I could. But now I know it wont come true.

That's fkn awesome :D cause now I do fly B|

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Bwahaha, I was like the Beaver!

My Letter to Santa!

Dear Santa,
I would like to tell you what I would like for christmas. I would like other people to be loved and cared about because of people who can't get along with eachother. Also please don't let your Elves work to hard.

Love, Joshua

P.S. Please let me hear you come in so I can come up to see you. I really believe in you Santa I really really do! I hope you have a very very safe flight and have a nice long sleep and have sweet dreams!

I love you Santa!

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I found a few letters that my grandma had written to me before she developed Dementia. I don't remember her before she was the way she is today. But these letters prove to me that she was once whole B|

I have also found that I was a horrible artist. Which explains my lack of artistic ability today :D

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I wish i still had my diaries and journals from when i was younger. But once when i was cleaning my room my dad mixed up 2 bags...one had stuff i was sorting, one had stuff i was throwing out. Unfortunaltely he took the wrong bag and burned all my diaries by accident [:/] He felt really bad.

I do however still have my boxes from kindegarten and first grade. Found something the other day that that was cool. One was what i wanted to be when i grew up. I wrote: "I want to be an astronaut so i can live on a star" Then i drew a 5 pointed star. Im sitting on the top of it hugging the top point hehehe. The other was if i could be anything in the world what would i be...i said a duck, so i could "say quack, have cool feet, float on top of water and swim, and fly":ph34r:


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