
Anybody else just have an incredible day?

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7 jumps. First-4 way. That could've gone better, as following the exit, it was only a 3-way and a short one at that. Still, it was fun. Otherwise, worked on my sit (getting much better), had a great time under canopy, lurked another 4-way at the end of the day. Nothing overly spectacular, just a really, really good day.
Hope everyone else had as good a time as I did.

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I had the greatest day too! B| I started AFF, but unfortunately could only afford 1 jump today [:/]. I spent the day at the DZ. with 5 terrific people who made who made me feel like I was a Skydiver even though I have only jumped twice. (Tandem’s) I can't think of myself as a Skydiver or say I am until I have my own chute on and am jumping without someone attached to my back. I have never had any regrets until now, which is I wish I started this years ago. B|
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Well, that's two more skydives than most people have! Way to go! You've got the intent, you're on your way. You didn't just check an item off your list of 'things-to-do'...you're a skydiver. And yes, skydiving is full of amazing people. Keep at it. Jump as often as you can, whenever you can afford it...and even if you can't.
Listen to your instructors. Be safe.
Blue skies,

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7 jumps. First-4 way. That could've gone better, as following the exit, it was only a 3-way and a short one at that. Still, it was fun. Otherwise, worked on my sit (getting much better), had a great time under canopy, lurked another 4-way at the end of the day. Nothing overly spectacular, just a really, really good day.
Hope everyone else had as good a time as I did.

ohhh me me ..

I had an awesome day as well. and was thinking on the way home "wow, this was an awesome day"

Made 4 jumps. First 3 way. Got two more 3 ways after that too.

First one went awesome. Second okay and the third pretty...well we will just say it was amusing...but still fun as hell.

hrmm... 500$ left on my jump account. Time to cash in some more of my stocks ehehehe.

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I already have reservation for May 7th and 8th to do ground school and a few jumps. I don't think I have ever had a list this things to do so I'm not checking anything off. I guess I have felt like something was missing in my life and I think I finally found out what it was.

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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7 jumps. First-4 way. That could've gone better, as following the exit, it was only a 3-way and a short one at that. Still, it was fun. Otherwise, worked on my sit (getting much better), had a great time under canopy, lurked another 4-way at the end of the day. Nothing overly spectacular, just a really, really good day.
Hope everyone else had as good a time as I did.

Get up.
Hear rain.
Read radar on Accuweather.
Call DZ
Find out the tandems cancelled.
Find out there's a staff meeting.
Go to DZ
Enter staff meeting late.
Go home.
Go to Home Depot and buy a stove.
Go home
Watch mindless TV (Well Roger Clemens won # 4!)
Enter mindless post on DZ.com.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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