
Got run off the road...

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Well, almost.

On the way to class today a guy tried to intentially run me off the road on my motorcycle. I was able to convence him to stop, hammered it and got the hell out of there.

How did it happen? At a busy intersection in town (2818 and George Bush, for anyone familar with College Station) cars were backed up about 40 deep on the northbound 2818. Its a 4-lane FM road, with a shoulder. I did what everyone else did (except they were in cars), merge to the shoulder to go to the right turn lane.

Before I got to the guy in the car, he was pissed and trying to block the shoulder (noticed this happen about 3 cars infront of me). This guy was going straight not turning onto George Bush, he was just being an asshole.

When I got to him, he was trying to block, so I went wide to go around him, he swung hard to try to hit me/run me off the road.

Sure, running the shoulder isn't real cool, its also not technically illegal in this instance. Its also a widely excepted course of action at this interesection as well as a few others in the area due to the extreme traffic around the times that classes start each day.

People amaze me.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Damn, that could be attempted murder. Did you get his plates? He could kill someone if he tried that trick on a less heads up motorcycle rider.

(Long story)
People in cars are strange. I once had a car cut me off at a light and then change lanes to a lane that ended after the next light.
We leave the light and I start to accelerate away and they see the lane is ending. My college age ego is saying "I'm not gonna let this asshole cut me off twice" so I accelerate so he has to get in behind me.
We're both driving econoboxes and we get to where their lane ends going over the bridge (the bridge has 4 lanes but two are used for shoulders) and they're running right next to me in the shoulder. I'm staring straight ahead as to not make eye contact when they finally drop in behind me at the next light.
We're first at the light and my high school friend starts waving and pointing and saying "G, G, Go, GO!!!" I tell him the light is still red and he just won't shutup. The light turns green and as I drive away I can see two huge people running from the back of my car back to theirs. :S
Now I am freaked. They started chasing us and I was begging for a cop to see us. I decided to drive to the police station but I ended up losing them making a last minute left from the right hand lane.
Doubled back and didn't see them so I drove home.
Funny part is I was using my turn signals throughout the chase except for the final turn. Just instinct I guess.:)
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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