
Finally downloaded Thanksgiving pictures

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I haven't met him yet, but it's good to know that Stu is up and about.

I like the invisible person that Portia is with in that one.

I even get to see Mouth this weekend!

Jake with the purse is all the convincing I need that he wants to be ready to exit military life at a photos notice.


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What in the world are you talking about with Jake. There are no such pictures. Even if there were, he was just being an outstanding gentleman and helping a poor drunk lady with her purse.

Yes, Stu is getting around well. He still over does it and refuses to let us gals help him sometimes.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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The cell phone towers were alive that night with the drunken tequilla chatter of the lovely ladies of CSS.
Stu is an outstanding individual, He also is very good at letting you know when your bed time is! "Thanks Stu"
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