
Leaving a job feels weird....

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Funny you should mention that . . . today I moved from my old job downstairs to my new one upstairs, and I'm kind of bummed. All of my friends I've worked with are downstairs, and I'll never have a (business) need to go down there again, so I won't see them unless it's a special visit. :( But before too long, I won't even remember that I was sad, and neither will you. :)

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What's inside you are moments you made and leaving anything after ahwile means leaving a part of you as well.[:/]
Now, you will have an oppotunity to make more events in your life to cherish.:)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Yes, I completely agree with the nostalgic feeling. I left my old job 4 months ago and moved across the country. I miss the people at the job (definitely not the work:S) and when I talk to them on the phone or by email I want to go back sometimes.

The worst part of it is it's a controlled-access facility so I can't even stop by for nostalgia's sake when I'm back in town. :(

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I guess you could say I REALLY quit my job today. I gave them 2 weeks notice a little over a week ago. However....I still had the "GHAT" and the Badge. It was kinda nice.....I have been to Florida twice lately. I could do 80+ through the construction zones without a worry. Got back from Ocala yesterday in 5 hours. B| I was getting on the freeway after leaving the office this afternoon and accelerated to my standard 80MPH.(55MPH zone by the airport) Then I remembered I had just turned in the badge. DAMMITT........:D

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