
The names for things you never knew had names....

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Rowel: the revolving star on the back of a cowboy's spurs

Columella: the bottom part of the nose that separates the nostrils

Saddle: the rounded part on the top of a book of matches

Ophyron: the space between your eyebrows

Rasceta: the creases on the inside of your wrist

Purlicue: the space between the extended thumb and index finger

Nittles: the punctuation marks designed to denote swear words in comics

Ferrule: the metal band on the top of a pencil that holds the eraser in place

Peen: on a hammer, the end opposite the striking face

Obdormition: when an arm or a leg "goes to sleep" as a result of numbness caused by pressure on a nerve

Keeper: the loop on a belt that holds the end in place after it has passed through the buckle

Armsate: the hole in a shirt or a sweater through which you put your hand and arm
Lee _______________________________

In a world full of people, only some want to fly, is that not crazy?

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thingamagig= anything that has a name that you just can't think of

Framistan = any critical part of a machine whose name you don't know. As in "Hey Ernie, check the framistans aren't overheating or this baby's gonna blow".. See also "humgrummets"

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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from the same site:

fagnostic (fg-ns'tk)
1. (n.) One who refuses to admit they are gay or lesbian, even though everyone else around them knows that they are.

faux-flatulance (f-flch'-lns)
1. (n.) The fart-like noise a chair makes after moving it, causing your friends to accuse you of farting no matter how many times you say it was the chair.

sexile :.

sexile (sk'sl')
1. (v.) To be banished from one's dorm room as a result of one's roommate engaging in sexual activity. As in: "I've been sexiled."

stupicide (st'p-sd')
1. (n.) An act or instance of unintentionally killing oneself by exhibiting lack of better judgement and thus attempting a stupid stunt, such as trying to jump off a roof and land in the pool, due to the quality or state of being stupid, dense, dumb, obtuse or thick.

Speed Racer

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