
more of a serious post...how do you think you can improve the quality of your relationships with other people?

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Eye contact, open heart and mind, and propogation of the good vibe.

"Do unto others......" ;)

Wanna hear the real brain-scrambler about why you are to treat others as you wish to be treated?

It's because others ARE you... and you ARE others.

There is only one... and we are it.

To improve relashionships between you and others, love thyself.

Think positively and others around you will do the same.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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yeah, treating and honoring others above yourself is one of the best ways to live life:)
This post is not meant specifically for couples, nor am I implying I am having relationship issues. I like to ask people these kinds of questions, to get them thinking about their own lives, maybe help them see things really can get better.
I think forgiveness, understanding, patience, disagreeing while still respecting other people, can help us all to have better relationships with people. I just wish that overnight, I could become less self-centered:(. Sometimes it's hard not to think about yourself, but life is so much rewarding when you care more about loving someone else, helping fulfill their needs and wants,etc:)I mean, come on people...isn't life just so much more pleasurable, when you aren't fighting and bickering with someone? ;)

edit for Nightingale: hey girl, thanks for the long reply. I think counseling could potentially be very draining,and it's just something I am really interested in...we shall see if the grad school thing comes into play.;)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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yeah, treating and honoring others above yourself is one of the best ways to live life:)

(emphasis mine)

I think you missed the subtle point of my post.

The phrase is not: "Do unto others better than you would have do unto you."

It is noble I'll give you that. But truly a small disservice to all involved.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

The difference is crutial.

To improve your relationship with others... love thyself. You are just as important... nay, moreso, for you are the one now asking: "how do I improve a realtionship?". The answer is: know that the relationship already exists to a deeper degree and you are not so much improving it as you are uncovering it.

There is only one... and we are it.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I think I just need to be less angry and more considerate. Most of my problems stem from those two things. I definitely have a selfish side, but I prefer to think of it as "independent". :D

Butr I really think most problems start with something really basic that just snowballs- like not considering someone else's feelings, etc. [:/]

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"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

To improve your relationship with others... love thyself.

Gooooose, are you trying to piss me off?!?!??!!>:(

hahah,just kidding bud. Whoops, I started to write just kissing:o:$:D.

Anyways, yes I agree with you there, you must love yourself and have a healthy image in order to have more success at relationships. If you have a low self-esteem, poor self-concept, etc, you won't be able to see the positive contributions you can make to a relationship with another human being, and talking negatively about yourself can put a strain on how the other person sees you.
BUT... I have to disagree with you about not honoring people more than yourself. Yes, I would think treating others as yourself would be great, but I strive to go beyond that. :)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Cool. But it truly is: "As" and not: "Better than you would have others do unto you."

When you say "Putting other before you", thinking for example: "I'd give my coat to a bum and be cold so that he may be warm.", you forget that you are better off than he to begin with. Your thinking is wonderful but you are not truly putting him before you. You are treating him as you think we all should be treated.

What was the bums name? Does it matter if it's Frank? If I were the bum, you'd give me your coat too no? Does it matter if you are the bum? On the street without a coat, would you like someone to give you one? Would you turn it down if I gave you mine?

We should all be treated equally. If that is a fundamental truth, then how is it that we must also put others before us?

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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