
Whats the funniest joke you know?

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One day at the swimming pool in a mental hospital, Edna sees James lying at the bottom of the deep end. Edna gets off the bench, dives in, swims down to James and pulls him to the surface. She then pulls him out of the pool and off to the men's locker room, then disappears. Some time later her doctor finds Edna sitting in her room. "Edna, what you did today was not only heroic, but it's convinced us that you reacted to a real life situation. That's the definition of sanity Edna, and we've decided that you should be released." But the doctor also added, "Unfortunately, James seems to have been determined to take his own life, because after you saved him from the pool he hung himself in the locker room anyway. I'm sorry to tell you this Edna, but after all you did for him, James is dead." Edna looked up at her doctor and said "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. So what time am I leaving ?".

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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A little girl walks into her mothers bedroom one morning, looks at her mother and says "Mommy, I know where babies come from".

The mother turns and looks down at her little girl, "You do? Well where's that"?
The little girl looks up at her mother, placing her hands on her hips and says "It's when daddy, puts his thing, in your mouth".

The mother chuckles softly and says "Oh sweetie, thats not where babies come from......thats where Jewelry comes from".


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Q: Why do essex girls where knickers?
A: To keep their ankles warm!

(Essex is a place in England where the women are considered to be slappers)

Q: What's Michael Jacksons favorite chinese meal?
A: Cream of sum-yung-guy
Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B

Team Dirty Sanchez #232

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