
The nerve of some people.

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So I'm in freefall, having the most kick ass jump ever! Everything is going perfectly! I check my altimeter and see I am approaching pull time. Suddenly I hear that theme from Beverly Hills Cop coming out of my pro dytter. WTF?! Oh shit, it's my cell phone! Damn, was I dreaming? What time is it? Wow, it's cold in here. "Hello?"

It's another jumper from my dz. He wants to know if I have a Parachutist lying around somewhere. I say hang on and go get one. He wants to know if there is a USPA affiliated dropzone in Puerto Rico. He's going on a cruise and has decided a nice swoop along the beach while he's there would make the trip that much better.

While I'm flipping to the back pages of my magazine, I happen to look outside and see it is snowing. But..but...but, I was going to jump today!

"You still there? Got that number for me? I really want to swoop those beaches!"

I grumble and tell him how horribly inconsiderate he is to call me in the morning and wake me up from a skydiving dream, only to tell me he's going on a kick ass vacation and wants to jump and swoop sandy beaches, all the while I'm sitting here in Albuquerque shivering and watching the snow and crappy weather outside!

Some people have got a lot of nerve! >:(

All kidding aside, if you see this, I hope you have an awesome trip dude!

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Some people have got a lot of nerve

could be worse, i could tell you about the kick ass weekend i had, about the blue skies, warm sun and green grass, oh and the fun jumps i had..... buti won't i wouldn't want to makeyou feel bad about living in NM.........

think of it this way though, now you have a mission, figure out how to make your dyter reallly play the theme song!!!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I'm going to pretend I didn't read your warm sun, green grass and blue skies comment...for your sake! :P


think of it this way though, now you have a mission, figure out how to make your dyter reallly play the theme song!!!

:D My phone is enough! I hum that friggin song for at least an hour after each time my phone rings!

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Have you had the going in dream yet? All the going in dreams that I have had I walked away from in my dreams. The last (most vivid Dream) I had, I fired m y reserve, and it got to line stretch, and stalled in a bag lock. I grabbed my reserve lines and pulled them down to me, and used my feet to push on the bag as I pulled on the lines at the same time. It finally came undone, and started to snivel. I impacted in the local mall parking lot, and said "well, that sucked..." Picked up th free bag, elastic band, my handles (they all were about 10-15' around me), walked across he street into my appartment and went to sleep. It was a wierd dream.

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Some people have got a lot of nerve!

Well, now that you mention it, I did just get back from a week of jumping and having a Casa just for our group of 15 or so people. Not to mention the ocean front hotel room, rental car and endless Margaritas......all free and got paid too!:P
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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all free and got paid too

i offer my services if you ever need them for a trip like that again....what cani do you ask?, well justabout anything.....,well, almost anything....i volunteer for being the test jumper to make sure the spot is righ from the gps!!!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Isn't it just completely wierd, that you have to worst situation happen to you in your dreams but you walkaway from it, but in reality you will die from it?


I've been out a little over a month because I had a bad landing, got a stress fracture of the fibula, sprained ankle, weak ligaments, etc etc. So maybe subconsciously I'm trying to "fix" my landings.

Also, I like landing in 3-5 mph winds, but best for me is 5-8 mph. 13-15 and my accuracy goes to shit (I'm working on it though!). So I guess I'm trying to convince myself I can turn a bad situation into a great, soft, dead center landing. B|

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Some people have got a lot of nerve!

Well, now that you mention it, I did just get back from a week of jumping and having a Casa just for our group of 15 or so people. Not to mention the ocean front hotel room, rental car and endless Margaritas......all free and got paid too!:P

Adopt me? :)

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I am SO sorry that you have broken yourself. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Fortunatly, I have never broken a bone. One thing that may help you out, is YOGA... It may sound kindof gay, but I have done it, in the past, and I swear to god it has made me a better flyer. Also, I have impacted the earth at speeds that would have broken a mortal man, but the flexability that YOGA has provided my has saved my ass. Seriously, the more flexable your body is the better you can survive impacts. It may sound corny, but it really works. I used to laugh at the 4 way dudes stretching prior to jumping, but it really helps out. Loom fo r a YOGA place that does the heat durin g tthe workout. the heat will help you out. Also don't try to stretch yourslf to far in the beginning. Just go with what is comfortable. The Kama Sutra Manuevers will come in time. Trust me. Try the YOGA, you will feal like a million dollars.

Grant S. ADams

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Thanks for the tip! I've done yoga before, but never got too far into it. I used to dance and a few years ago got a dance related injury and had to stop. Since then my flexibility and strength in certain areas has gone to shit. And my, uh, "fallrate" increased. :S

Anyway I've heard numerous jumpers talk about yoga, and general stretching and strengthening of the feet especially. My ankle/ligaments are still a bit weak, but I'll definitely look into that once they're strong again.

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Haven't tried yoga yet. I'm already pretty flexible and it has helped in every sport I've done so far. It couldn't hurt to be more flexible.
....so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

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