
First Rig

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If any one know anyone selling a PD160R, Smart 160, or an Icarus 159 that would be awesome!!! I looked through the Classifieds and didn't see any, tear. I have already gotten a container, Mirage G4 M3 and I'm currently trying to close the deal on a Spectre 170. I have been working close with my rigger so he's watching over all my decisions so I don't make a huge newb mistake.
- Knic

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My wingload with a PDR 160 would be 1.09375. For my Spectre 170, 1.0294117647058822. I have a few more jumps than was previously listed. I updated my profile, still realizing I am a rookie jumper. Thanks for your concern.
- Knic

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I started jumping a year ago...I found a great complete used set-up that consisted of an older Javelin with a 215 Safire, 220 Raven reserve and a CYPRES with a year left on it for $1650. I was able to downsize to a Pilot 188 with the same container.

After several months of jumping I decided to invest in and got a great deal on a new container and canopy (Wings Vision w/ Safire2 169). I would definitely go with used gear while you're getting into the sport and then invest in new gear once you've figured out what you like and what will suit you the best. New gear is awesome since it is custom fit and designed so that it will be all yours, but there's really no need for that when you're just starting out.

Good luck with finding some gear and improving your skills...don't be in a rush...things will fall into place if you give them a chance to.

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When I was shopping for my first rig, I had the most impossible time finding something that would fit my body and the canopies I wanted to fly. Either the rig would fit me and hold tiny canopies or fit the canopies and I'd need to grow 6 inches. I ended up getting a new container, without almost no options, a used main, new reserve, and an AAD, with the intention of reselling the main when I downsized. At the time of order I was 5'5", 130 pounds and wanted a 170 sq. ft. main and 160 sg. ft. reserve. After a few weeks of looking, I just gave up and ordered a container. It was never about the resale value for me. I love pink, and my rig had neon pink in it, because it was still my rig and I loved it. I knew that there would be a girl somewhere who wanted the same things in a rig that I did and wouldn't mind the pink. Sure enough, within a few days of posting the rig in the classifieds I was contacted by a girl who loved the colors who was very close to the measurements I was when the rig was made. When I sold the rig, I kept the AAD, sold the main alone, and the rig and reserve went together... All worked out for me in the long-run, I suppose.

That said, If I could have found a used container that fit me, I would have preferred to go that route. Although I had the money set aside for a rig, going with new components cost a little more than I was planning on spending at the time. I don't regret the decisions I made, because renting gear while continuing to look for used gear would have cost me about the same (probably more) than the loss I took on the new gear, considering the frequency at which I was going to the DZ and jumping right after getting my A.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I advocate getting used gear at first but certainly don't think making the choice to get new is bad in some situations. It all depends on your financial situation and timing.

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I end up going with a mix of new and used gear. New container and reserve. Used main and AAD. I am glad that it's all over. Too much searching and a lot of reading. I didn't really like shopping around but I'm glad i did. Should i decide to downsize after a few hundred jumps hopefully the experience will be easier. Now it's a waiting game... the end of April just doesn't seem to want to get here any faster.
- Knic

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