
Did You Know, Part 2...

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*A honey bee must tap two million flowers to make one pound of honey.

*Americans spend approximately $25 billion each year on beer. (Most of which was PROBABLY consumed by skydivers!)

*Aunt Jemima pancake flour, invented in 1889, was the first ready-mix food to be sold commercially.

*False eyelashes were invented by film director D.W. Griffith while he was making the 1916 epic, "Intolerance." He wanted actress Seena Owen to have lashes that brushed her cheeks.

*In most American states, a wedding ring is exempt by law from inclusion among the assets in a bankruptcy estate. This means that a wedding ring cannot be seized by creditors, no matter how much the bankrupt person owes.

*According to National Geographic, Mt. Everest grows about 4 millimeters a year: the two tectonic plates of Asia and India, which collided millions of years ago to form the Himalayas, continue to press against each other, causing the Himalyan peaks to grow slightly each year

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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