
An Airshow Tribute

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Those that follow Airshows have heard the names Bobby Younkin & Jimmy Franklin. Two of the Top performers and Showmen the industry had ever known. Both were killed during a performance a few weeks back, which came as a shock to everyone that knew them or watched them perform.

Jimmy & Bobby were a part of the "X -Team"...
An EXTREME high energy act that had three bi-planes, two jet trucks and 15 minutes of non stop pyro going off on the ground, all set to rock & roll music. It was a fantastic act, the best I'd ever seen in 25 plus years as an airshow performer.

As part of the opening act for the EAA Oshkosh airshow last week, we the parachute jumpers added a tribute to our fallen friends as did many of the shows participants.

Since it's rather hard to do a 'Missing Man' formation with parachutes, we came up with a novel idea. We had two banners made with the "X-Team" logo and flew them over the 'Largest Airshow in The World" every day, where both Bobby and Jimmy had been scheduled to fly. We had every performer sign the banners as a respectful tribute to the men that meant so much to us and the industry. Several professional performers that weren't scheduled to fly the Oshkosh show heard about our banners and flew to Wisconsin just to sign the memorials!

We presented the flags to Jimmy's son and Bobby's daughter....who have been dating for a couple of years now, during the final ceremonies of the week.

Attached are a pic of them receiving the banners and a pic of two of us flying them during the show, making an "X" in the sky with long trailing banners.

It was a somber emotional moment when Kyle Franklin spoke about knowing how much his father meant to all of us, and that he knew we all meant the same to him.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Holy shit is it ever hard to read your post and see those pictures without getting a bit teary-eyed. Those guys must have been some really special people.

Same goes for you and everyone else who honored them. That was a really nice thing to do.


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Having worked with both fine performers on several occasions as an air boss, their loss was both a surprise and a shock.[:/] They will be missed. What you and everyone else at the show did was FANTASTIC!:)

"You made my panties wet!" Skymama (Fitz 09)
"Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

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Thanks for the positive comments guys...

It's unfortunate these things happen, but as one of the announcers said during a private performer
only gathering / memorial....

"For better or for worse, this is the life we've chosen."

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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