
Question for Cat owners

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My children would like a cat. They've wanted one for almost two years, but my spouse is opposed. I've finally convinced him that he can live through the experience.

I would like to get one kitten, but I've heard that they do better if you get two.

So, my question: Does anyone just have one cat?
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So, my question: Does anyone just have one cat?

Nope, not me. I have three cats and three dogs. Yup, it's like a zoo:ph34r:
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Yes, I have just one cat. He's over 15 lbs., I do think he gets lonely, but my apt. is so small that I don't think it could handle two cats. I was gone all weekend long (like I am most weekends) and I can tell he is lonely because he wants to lay right on top of me at night when I come back.

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I've had one cat and have had two and the reason I got two is so they can play together. Other than that if you got lots of time no need for two. That's in my opinion. And having two is much more cleaning if you don't like germs...or smells!;) Cats are awsome so have fun!

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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I do. Unless your kitty will have company of humans all day long he will get very lonely and weird compulsive behaviors can start after awhile. (Like scratching a favorite piece of furniture etc.) With a buddy and toys they can keep each other entertained when all alone. It just depends on how much time you will all be spending with the little guy. I have given mine to a friend with a cat so he isn't so bored for awhile while my leg heals. I didn't want him to go bonkers from boredom.

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Your zoo sounds fun! My kids would love it there. I feel like I'm already pushing my luck with one. I know the cat will get plenty of attention. Right now, my kids beg me to let them go to the neighbors house so that they can play with the cats - she has four and a new kitten.
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IMO the sex of the cat doesn't matter, since you'll be getting him/her fixed;)

Why not head down to the local shelter and see if there is a cat that is already fixed and little boxed trained.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I had 3 cats when I was still living in South Africa, 1 female and 2 males. The males still spray if they are fixed. Not as much though. I had to keep spraying the curtains and couch with anti kitty spray stuff >:(
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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I adopted a cat that had been de-clawed.. Felt very sorry for it coz it couldnt protect itself from other cats. It wouldnt leave the house and was a very unhappy kitty :(
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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Either way if you clean up after them regularly like we should there shouldn't be a problem with either. There really cool pets and you can teach them lots young.

I thought my cats to play hide and seek,
pee in the drain and poop in box,almost toilet ,
meow when there hungry or need food,
I dunno theres a few other cool things and just can't think of right now. Oh they go to bed with me at bed time too..so cute there kinda like dogs.

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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I have just one cat. She seems to be doing fine, but I am considering getting her a playmate since we are gone from the house so much.

As for female cats peeing on the carpet, they most certainly do. The cat I left with my ex is still doing it after 17 years. We tried everything, believe me. Our vet finally said she's just ornery!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Thanks to everyone that posted. I'm sure it's going to be fun having some new life in our home. My children have wanted this for a long time - they are both cat people and are very excited. They understand about the responsibilities of owning a cat and I think they are old enough to help (7 and 14).

As soon as our kitchen construction is complete, I'm going to surprise them with their new pet(s).

Thanks again!
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