
Letters from Dad

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So, I am cleaning out my extra bedroom in anticipation of moving and I found a pile of old letters from my father.

For those of you with kids or intending to have kids, write them letters! When they go away to Grandma's for a month, go away to summer camp or anywhere else...for their birthdays and other occasions, write them letters. They will mean so much to them at that time, and then again when they re-discover them 10, 20, 30 years later.

I love those letters from my Dad. I just told him how much they mean and I thanked him for all of them. When I see him in person next week, I will thank him again.

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My mother writes me letters every Christmas and puts them in my stocking (a stocking she made for me when she was pregnant with me). This past birthday she gave me a book titled "Why Daughters Need Mothers" and she put pictures of it from birthdays past, but also she put pictures in it that correlated with what the little message said on each page. Words cannot express what those Christmas letters mean to me and also this last birthday present she has given me. I will cherish the letters and the book forever.

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Youre making me miss my family in the UK with this post.
Im almost in tears.

I remember the letters my dad used to write to me when my parents got divorced.

My mum moved to Wales with me and I didnt see my father for 2 yrs or so.
I still have all his letters too. They meant so much to me during that time.
My mum always used to hang up on him when he called and I was never alowed to answer the phone, so it was my only method of contacting him
When your 8 yrs old its hard to go through that shit.

Happy again :)


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