
Pilot Chute Packing Video

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I am curious what if in freefall main handle accidently goes through suspension tapes at the point where bridle connects to PC?
I was able to simulate that on the ground. If that happens PC become totally unusable...

Can you comment?


That is a very unlikely possibility for sure. In 23 years of jumping, I have never seen it. Certainly the possibility exists if the hole at the base of the pilot-chute is large, so add that to your list of criterion when you purchase a pilot-chute.

If anyone out there has seen this malfunction please feel free to chime in.

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Hey Brian did you read the post before yours???? And yes it is on video so it did happen.

Strange stuff does happen on occasion. I wonder about the size of the opening at the base of the pilot chute. This aperture should be minimized. If the hole is small, the handle won't go through.

Either way, however, this is like debating about seat belts. Yes, there are a few cases in which people have been thrown clear of the vehicle and survived as a result. Does this justify leaving your seatbelt off?

This method will allow you to survive a horseshoe malfunction, and possibly even get a good deployment. I have personally tested it well over 10,000 times without a problem of any kind. I have taught literally thousands of people who still pack their pilot-chutes this way. That is a very large number of data points.

You are still free to do what makes the most sense to you. In the end, that's the best way to go.

Instructional Videos:www.AdventureWisdom.com
Keynote Speaking:www.TranscendingFEAR.com
Canopies and Courses:www.BIGAIRSPORTZ.com

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I don't think folding the bridle in the mesh will be a significant wear problem because holding it from the hackey doesn't keep any significant pressure on the sides of the PC and once it is released the PC will inflate and release any bridle anyway. Let's not forget at terminal an inflated PC will put somewhere around 150-200lbs of drag on the bridle so I don't think friction is something we have to worry about.


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