
Sober dial from the bomb shelter

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Rack v2.0 "wow my nipples are hard"

Gia *wow they are*

Rack v2.0 "ohh shes feeling my nipples"

Nico "Im not backing in"

Nico "I cum all the time I cum at the office , I cum at home, I cum at the dropzone"

Nico "Gia is a drunk ass bitch"

Gia "your the drunk ass bitch and Im going to fart on you"

Nico "Lisamarie how soon can you be here they dont want to just fart in my general direction, they want to fart on me"
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Rosa "okay we are not sober, I dont know whose phone this is but I know you, but cause I dont know whose phone this is Im just gonna pass it around plus I wont remember this will you?"

Very good DD's you guys.... hope you had fun at Nicos going away party, bet your all relieved now that he is leaving :ph34r:
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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This is Skylord. Help me. I am here at the Bombshelter after getting my ass kicked at the tunnel league. Frenchy is humping my leg, Gia wants me to feel her tits, Birthday Girl Beth is staring at me like Oprah used to at a sandwich.

Help me. I am trapped here with women all over me. And a couple men too. I beg you in the name of all that is holy and good, save me. I am just a skydiving child, innocent and pure.

Help, they are distracting me so Frenchy can type. Gotta go!!!!
Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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love the new avatar, babe.

You should see the REST of the pic. Two stunningly beautiful women. :)

yeah, and if you keep pullin the pud like you've been, it's gonna be too bruised to use, and lisamarie will need to cash in some duracell stock. so chill!

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Hey I didnt get to talk to you so I dont believe your there.....

and Frogs humping your leg... thats kinda hot, in a gay way that is....

OH! He is really there; I tried to get him to leave when he could still walk. He insisted he could handle it so I ran for help.

The Tequila was flowing everywhere.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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OH! He is really there; I tried to get him to leave when he could still walk. He insisted he could handle it so I ran for help.

The Tequila was flowing everywhere.


Yeah, I had all kinds of rambling from the sexyfrenchbitch on my voice mail earlier. B|
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Whatever you do dont mention Rosa doing body shots on the table!


from Frency, gia, beth g

OK, I know that Nick began the whole "Rosa doing body shots on the table" thing as a joke, but the joke's getting old. No, I've never done body shots. Unfortunately, someone whom I care about very, very much once was upset by this joke, so please no more funnies made about body shots...or I will have to lay the smackdown.

Actually, I love Gia too much to stay upset with her, but I can always hunt Nicky down and hurt him. (YAY!) Seriously though, we're so going to miss you Frenchy, dammit!

I had a wonderful time with everyone, last night. Thanks guys! :)
Lisamarie ~
Of course I remember talking to you last night. It was loud in the Bombshelter, which is why I didn't talk for long. We'll talk again, I'm sure. Thanks for putting up with us last night on the phone. :P

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I survived. I went into the men's room and flushed myself down the toilet, foiling the evil plan. At least I think that was what happened. I can't figure out any other way I ended up waking in the gutter. :D

But I digress.

Great party, great time, a true quality send off for our Frenchy. Thanks for the laughs, many of which I provided with video of my tunnel performance.

Jumped today with Beth and Nick, glad we could do a jump together before you both had to leave. Take care and see you again soon!!

Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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