
Yep, got my XBox 360

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Wal-Mart. I went there at 10 A.M. to buy a few groceries and ask when I should start standing in line and the manager said, "There are already people standing in line and they only have 26 premium systems." I went and got in line and was number 10.:)
At midnight I walked out with it. Hope my kids (especially the 30 year old child that I married) appreciate it...

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I went to Meijers tonight about ten to midnight just to see what the situation was like. I see people pouring out the exit doors so I ask if they're all sold out or what. Meijers had 7 systems to sell.:S

--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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If more moms were like you the world would be a better place.

Dedication like that does not come along every day.

I am still jealous though>:(
The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

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If more moms were like you the world would be a better place.

Dedication like that does not come along every day.

I am still jealous though>:(

And Microsoft counts on them too. LOL!

I want one!

But I can wait until there is a surplus, and the price gets real...
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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So the line stretched from the layaway department all the way to the McDonalds that they have in the store. After hour 10 or so I was feeling a bit goofy so when all the Wal-Mart shoppers started stopping and asking us what we were waiting in line for I started telling people that the McRib is back for a limited time only...:):)

I thought it was funny; some people actually believed me...;);)

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My son wanted one of those......but he is getting a helmet cam from Digital Blue and my younger son is getting a Quad (older son already has one), so the money isn't there, but I don't think they'll really care. LOL!!!

I hear they're pretty neat though.

Moms' rock!!!!!!!!!

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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Yeah but...its Christmas, right?! Once a year, good kids, etc.......

My kids really don't get much in the way of gifts except, Christmas, their birthday, and maybe Easter (something small, less candy) so its all about them anyway during Christmas. You know?

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I agree...

Also, my mom had 7 kids and was a single mom so we never had "jaw-dropping" Christmases. I know, I know, presents aren't the "true meaning of Christmas" but I love the way the kiddos come downstairs and their eyes light up when they see what Santa has brought...

I love overdoing the holidays...:)

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I agree...I LOVE pulling the rabbit out of the hat, so to speak...
Last night we told my oldest son, he was having problems in math, that he was getting a really "cool" calculator for Christmas. We really played it to the hilt...my sons' jaw dropped... this should be good.heheheheheee

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I agree...I LOVE pulling the rabbit out of the hat, so to speak...
Last night we told my oldest son, he was having problems in math, that he was getting a really "cool" calculator for Christmas. We really played it to the hilt...my sons' jaw dropped... this should be good.heheheheheee


Meeee Toooo...

and I have good kids that we are semi strict with and expect a lot out of...I like to spoil them at Christmas...

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My kids are good kids too, they deserve all that we give them and then some, BUT, as a parent I need to be able to say enough is enough. Don't want to spoil them and in this day and age, kids think that everything is "owed" them. Not my kids...every once in awhile they will whine, but for the most part they are great kids and know money does not grow on trees AND if they deserve something they will get something, if they are acting like spoiled brats and not doing their chores, ect. they get NOTHING!
Plus it helps if I have the money.;)

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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My kids are good kids too, they deserve all that we give them and then some, BUT, as a parent I need to be able to say enough is enough. Don't want to spoil them and in this day and age, kids think that everything is "owed" them. Not my kids...every once in awhile they will whine, but for the most part they are great kids and know money does not grow on trees AND if they deserve something they will get something, if they are acting like spoiled brats and not doing their chores, ect. they get NOTHING!
Plus it helps if I have the money.;)


Absolutely....those chores have to be done without us having to ask...

Also, those grades have to be up there...

How many kiddos do you have?

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No friggen doubt. Why didn't I see that coming. If I could have made a thousand or so I'd be real happy these days.

14 hour line wait????? did you have to pee????

McRib, got to love it, too funny!!!:D

I made really close friends in those 14 hours...we traded off bathroom breaks...and i found out that eating at McDonald's more than once in one day is not recommended...:P

I thought the whole "McRib" thing was funny...I also told people that we were in line for the local AA meeting being held there tonight...

Oh, and then I told some people we were there for the FluMist vaccine...

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