
Hostel:The movie

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I just saw this movie.

I would not recommend it as a date movie. I was scared to visit the restrooms afterwards.

I have to say that the torture scenes were the most graphic I’ve seen in an R rated movie. I’m surprised it didn’t get an NC-17 rating!

As far as the movie goes, I loved it and hated it at the same time. It was truly disturbing. I knew going into this movie that it was not something to be enjoyed, but rather endured.
If you can make it through this movie I applaud you. You must have an extreme tolerance for watching other people suffer.

I judge a good movie on wether I forget about it 10 minutes after I leave the theater. It’s been 10 hours and I know I’m going to have nightmares.

The movie exposes a contradiction. We hate watching other people suffer but we enjoy watching a person get tortured when you believe they deserve it. It is quite easy, under the right circumstance to become what you most despise.

Now ask yourself, do you really want to test your moral balance?


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Thanks for the comments. I kind of enjoy that kind of movie, yeah. It's a guilty pleasure. It's a vicarious thing: it's not like I have any desire to do anything "tortury" to anyone on my own. But for some reason, watching a movie like that gets the curiousity about it out of the system, I guess.

I just like macabre themes. The subject of what can happen or be done to a human being is a fascinating one. Did you see the movie "High Tension"? It had a bad ending, but the gory action was pretty top-notch.

I read somewhere recently that the movie "Wolf Creek" was disturbing in the way you're saying that "Hostel" is.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I travelled all week last week for work and found myself at a cinema in one of the cities I visited, looking for a flick to view. I entertained the idea of seeing hostel, then I thought, why do I want to fill my head w/ this stuff? I sped off and bought a PSP and some movies for it to watch. I don't think I'll ever see this movie.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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