
Knowing before it happens.....

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On January the first I had my first cutaway, which was also the first cutaway of the year at my dropzone. It was the first only by 15 seconds(two mals on one load). The weird part is that I knew the day before that it was going to happen. I dont know how I knew, but I did. It was crazy because when the rig was packed the night before(not by me) I just stared at it and knew what was going to happen(line over). Also weeks before it happened I kept seeing the number 32 everywhere i looked, and my reserve ride was on jump 32. Has anyone else had some similar crazy or weird thing happen to you? Hopefully im not the only one.

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I trusted the feeling, but to be truely honest with you I wanted to see what would happen. There are just sometings that you have to prove to yourself.

Why did you capitalize in BunkerBuster and not in travisjones?

I can dig it, but you're a braver person than I to do a semi-deliberate cutaway.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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