
Walt screws up someone's chi

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A while back I posted this magnificent description of me letting out a fart that sounded like a duck. Yes, I report only the *big* news!

This morning I got this PM. It makes me feel truly proud.:)


I was in my Thai Chi class yesterday and I farted while holding a stance. I couldn't help it, the little bugger just slipped out. It was one of those high pitched squeakers that sounds like someone pinching a balloon. Well, that shouldn't be a big deal right?


I giggled because it really sounded funny and then I thought of your story about your shower fart. I kept picturing the whole scene with the necessary "qquuuuaaaaaccckkkkk" included. I busted out laughing. I was overwhelmed by the whole thing. I kept trying to control myself and focus on the class but all I could think of was "qquuuuaaaaccckkkkkk" and that would start my giggles all over again. To make matters worse, the more I laughed, the more I farted. Again, just the little squeaky ones that sound pinched and stink like rotten eggs.

I couldn't control my giggles and the subsequent farts and so I gathered my stuff and made tracks for the door, much to the relief of the persons to my left and right. In my hurry to get out of there I think I forgot to grab my dignity and composure, they are probably still in the spot I was standing in.

Even now as I am typing this I am laughing at how funny the whole situation was. I thought I would share the story with you and perhaps give you a giggle as well.

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oh man walt another post from you that made me laugh so hard I started to cry.

I've been laughing my ass off all day--ever since I got that PM.

I hope the author of the PM will step up and take credit because that was incredibly funny!:D:D:D


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Whenever I see a post on here from you I start to laugh before I even read it. I'm thinking that you should write a book. "Diaries of Walt"

What a gas! haha

When I finally get a chance to meet you please don't be offended when I start to laugh.

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Whenever I see a post on here from you I start to laugh before I even read it. I'm thinking that you should write a book. "Diaries of Walt"

What a gas! haha

When I finally get a chance to meet you please don't be offended when I start to laugh.

I'm really quite flattered by that--thankyou.

This time, though, it was Soulshine who gave us the laughs--I was very happy to pass the message along, though.

She doesn't post a whole lot but she's funny and it's absolutely infectious. I hope she'll be posting more stuff.

And please do laugh when we meet. I'd be honored.:)
And if you see Shawn up there--please tell him I said hi.


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