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cool pics, i didn't realize photoshop had a backpedal feature!


oooh, i feel so totally owned


[sigh....] As long as you're willing to admit that...

you schooled me good, props to the pental freak!

pulling is cool. keep it in the skin

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packers unite my friend

why would your friend need uniting? and if he did why would you want a packer to do it? most packers don't understand how to get the yummies out of a new box of cereal, and yet you want packers to do some kind of Steve fucking Austin bionic miracle making on your friend? dude, that is weird.

or did you mean packers UNTIE my friend? that would make sense, but while you are at it you should also ask them to remove the ballgag.

pulling is cool. keep it in the skin

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im a packer

i can tell you are a packer, you don't use ALL the letters in a word when you type. this could be because your keyboard is in disrepair, or because you are too lazy for the additional keystrokes. in any case it his highly indicative that you are a packer(get your supervising rigger to help you with the polysyllabic words).


so be nice to the packers

beating my packer with a crowbar is the nicest thing i could do for him. it builds character, it makes his coat shiny. the cute little scamp becomes more playful and loving. like payback said, if your packer isn't cowering in the corner you have failed as a skydiver.

pulling is cool. keep it in the skin

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i kno for lazy people like u

STEEPED in irony. a couple extra keystrokes wouldn't kill you.

do you even check if the brakes are set properly? it seems that takes more effort than two keystrokes, and you have proven you are unwilling to do that, even in a sigline that only needs to be typed once.

just thought you might want to hit the ground running there sport.

pulling is cool. keep it in the skin

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Hey PJ, I like your crowbar idea. THose little fuckers are always over-stepping their bounds. If I could beat them into submission on a regular basis this season, perhaps they'd learn to shut up and just do their fucking jobs. Whiny little bastards them packers. Heart of the dropzone my ass!!

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